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Two turns up, five down, sixth left, seventh right, ok, here

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Two turns up, five down, sixth left, seventh right, ok, here. Jimin was counting in his mind reaching the end of the shaft to see an ancient looking room with a lot of shelves. After sticking his head out, he measured the distance between the shaft and the nearest bookcase's top taking a few steps back before jumping. He was flying though the air hopelessly for a few seconds before landing flat on his belly with a loud fox groan.

Ok, the first part of the plan has been achieved, so he was in the right place now, getting up then jumping from shelf to shelf until reaching the ground to shape-shift and search through the drawers. There were so many strange liquids, plants, stones and objects in there, but Jungkook had told him what to look for. There it was, a strange red plant with a texture of a sponge, Jimin wanted to grab when the lock sounded, so he became a fox in a second hiding underneath a small table pressing into the far corner between the table leg, the wall and the shelves.

At the sound of approaching steps, Jimin's little fox heart was beating so loudly. He risked to move a tiny bit forward to see a tall man in a blue golden shaman's robe stopping in the middle of the room. The second person was Namjoon, his face extremely troubled.

"Tell me Jin, you can see the future and the past, can read thoughts and intentions. How come a boy who has come with Hoseok and is only a poor orphan from nowhere is gifted?"

Jimin's body was now in uproar of fear, so terrified about the shaman's answer. If that man could really see the past and future and read thoughts he for sure knew about him being here.

"There are many gifted between orphans out there, it's nothing special. Only last year I have came across," the shaman was speaking calmly. "The pain they are going through in such a young age is opening the gift in some cases."

"So he's a peasant with no meaning at all?" Namjoon's eyes scanned the shaman's face.

"Of course, the peasant won't even survive this war," responded the shame when Jimin's heart broke.

No, it couldn't be.

"You have been always right about your predictions Jin, so I will trust you this one time," Namjoon was still observing Jin's calm face as if trying to read the truth out of it.

He suddenly turned, his dark robe flattering behind him when he left the room banging the door shut.

The shaman was standing there like frozen for long moments before walking to a shelf and taking something out, he suddenly looked at the door then left the thing he has taken on the table running outside.

This is my chance, now or never, thought Jimin leaving his hideout, shifting to open the same shelf, his fingers reaching for the sponge like plant when a voice almost made him jump out of his skin.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Jimin tuned to see the shaman looking at him with strangely fair eyes.

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