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"Emerald has been the love of my life," muttered Hoseok, his eyes becoming distant as if he was bathing in some memories

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"Emerald has been the love of my life," muttered Hoseok, his eyes becoming distant as if he was bathing in some memories. "We've met in a palace, I have never seen anyone like her. I was just back from soldier training and the king wanted me to train his son, but the moment I saw her creating a blue self flying plane out of thin air to make the prince run behind the garden and chase it, I will never forget that day. You have her eyes, the eyes I thought I will never see again. First time I've met you I believed I'm crazy until I found out you're a snow fox hybrid."

Hoseok was talking with effort when Jimin was feeling tears storming down his own face. He squeezed the man's hand tighter.

"I have been the happiest, we have been. The queen loved Emerald and wanted her to become a member of the Secret Circle but they rejected her, even though she was the most skilled magician I have ever met, just because she was a hybrid. She was heartbroken, but I was doing my best to cheer her up. We married in secret and one day, one day I came back to our house to find it empty, all of her belongings gone. I was searching for her everywhere but then the invasion came I needed to foul Namjoon into believing I have changed sides, but I never did. I just needed to stay the leader of his army to give it over to the righteous king one day," Hoseok coughed wincing when Jimin knelt at his bed sobbing more.

"General it's a wonderful plan but who will take over after you. The prince is dead, we're all alone in this," whispered Jimin.

"Shush. Hear me out," Hoseok sighed. "After Emerald escaped I had thought she has been only playing with my heart so I couldn't even look at hybrids, I was catching them, torturing them, killing in the most cruel ways to still my heartbreak. I thought all we have had was just a joke to her until the last battle when I saw the boy with her eyes is a snow fox, then I finally knew why she had left," Hoseok's trembling hand reached Jimin's cheek caressing over it.

"Why?" Asked Jimin almost unable to breath.

"Because of you. She has been pregnant and she knew I will accept the child and make him a righteous citizen and me having a hybrid baby meant I will lose everything, my general title, my military status, my house, my money, my family so she escaped so I'll never find out I have a son."

Jimin was watching Hoseok with his mouth open not able to believe what he was hearing.

"You are my son Jimin and I'm so happy that at least at the end of my life I have found you," tears left Hoseok's eyes while Jimin's chin was trembling like crazy. "Where is she now, my Emerald?" He asked his eyes lighting up.

"She's dead, killed by Namjoon's soldiers during the invasion on our village. It's only me left," whispered Jimin when the light in Hoseok's eyes died.

He nodded his head and Jimin knew the general's heart has been broken once again.

"Jimin, it is a blessing that I can spend my last hour with my son," Hoseok's voice was faint when he turned to him so Jimin brought the man's hand to his lips, still so shocked and broken by what has just happened. The lights above his head suddenly flickered and the whole ground began to tremble causing Jimin to cling to the bed and squeeze Hoseok's hand tighter.

"What's that?" He asked in fear.

Yoongi's soldiers were still fighting at the gates of the camp and Darons were storming the fence when Jungkook was sprinting that way but a golden shape materialized above him and the commissioner cried.

"It's the Mehuan that has killed general Hoseok!" He yelled.

Jungkook's heart sank. Killed general Hoseok. No, it couldn't be, not his beloved commander.

It became dark in front of Jungkook's eyes for a moment. He suddenly raised his hand allowing the force to spread to his fingers and tangle on the Mehuan bringing it down on the ground with a loud bang.

"That young soldier is gifted!" Shouted some of the enemies sprinting his way but Jungkook touched the ground with his hand sending them off their feet. It was as if an earthquake has broke out in The Valley. Darons were stumbling off their feet falling but the Mehuan lifted up flying towards him.

"I know you young soldier," his voice seemed to come from all sides like a blow of an icy wind.

"I have defeated you once," Jungkook's sword clashed with his burning one.

"No human can defeat me."

"I just turned an army of underworld wolves into my servants," hissed Jungkook sending another wave of force into the sword so it began to glow, the Mehuan fought back. They were hitting and avoiding cuts, the force becoming so strong around Jungkook, like a shield, the ground trembling so hard Yoongi's soldiers and monster were rolling around it losing weapons.

"I have almost killed your fox," the wind like voice surrounded Jungkook raising all hair on his body. "But general Hoseok came into my way, so I will finish you off first then cut your fox into pieces starting with the ears and tai..."

He could never finish the sentence as the force overtook Jungkook leaving his body sending a deadly wave all along the battlefield killing everything it touched. The Mehuan's sword exploded and his golden body was suddenly torn into pieces, the storm like wall reaching the far edges of The Valley nearing the camp.

"No!" Yelled Jungkook lifting his hand and it stopped changing into a pole of light that made the night brighter than day then all of it faded underneath his hand.

A scary silence filled the space when Jungkook was kneeling on the field watching the dead body of the commissioner that was lying meters from him.

Wasn't it what Jin has always warned him about, him losing control over his power. There was no turning back now, though, no way Namjoon or Yoongi won't find out about what has happened here, find out about him. Or could he still cover it up?

Jungkook got up taking his sword walking through the field of bodies towards the gate. All the remaining soldiers and everyone in the camp were looking at him in a way he didn't like.

"Soldier Kookie," captain Fang approached him stopping in some distance.

He wanted to say something but the main Medician ran to him.

"General Hoseok wants to see you, he doesn't have much time left."

Thank you so much for your feedback

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Thank you so much for your feedback. What do you think about the chapter? About Jimin finding out who his father is? What will the general tell Jungkook?

Also happy birthday to the amazing Suga #happysugaday ☺️

Much <3

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