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"I King Namjoon declare here that I have been done tolerating the dishonor and shame my army is suffering each day, because of hybrids who carry swords, armor, royal emblems and even officer titles, but the suffering of my army has come to an end

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"I King Namjoon declare here that I have been done tolerating the dishonor and shame my army is suffering each day, because of hybrids who carry swords, armor, royal emblems and even officer titles, but the suffering of my army has come to an end. With decree 3004 I am ordering to clean my army of all hybrids by execution, which should be proceeded immediately. King Namjoon," the man stopped reading looking up at Jungkook who felt as if all air has been punched out of him.

Jungkook saw captain Fang ordering all of his soldiers to group all hybrids when all hair lifted on his body.

The other officers were looking at Fang with regret yet keeping their heads down.

"General we will start the execution now," said one of the human captains but Fang took his sword out stepping forward.

"General, we would like to self execute, we will not bring any more shame over the royal army," Fang's yellow eyes carried no fear.

Jungkook's fists closed then released, his gaze suddenly falling on a small person still deeply wrapped into his purple robe standing between the servants looking at the scene with so much regrets even fury. Jungkook's blood boiled, his heartbeat became uneven.

"At my sign!" Fang lifted the sword so the hybrid soldiers followed. The rest watching quietly. Jungkook's heart almost exploding from beating. Fang took a breath to give his last order.

"Stop!" Yelled Jungkook catching everyone's attention.

"General those are the king's orders," said an officer.

"The king has said stop! No more innocent blood will be spilled in my land! It's enough," Jungkook was watching the stunned faces.

"He's crazy," whispered someone.

"What king?" Asked the same officer. "King Namjoon has given his orders."

"Namjoon isn't a king, but a murder and an invader, an imposter on the throne," Jungkook ignored his pounding heart making his voice extra strong. "Lower your sword captain Fang you are one of the greatest and bravest soldiers I had the pleasure to meet," Jungkook looked at the stunned captain.

"Kill that crazy man!" Shouted Namjoon's solder taking a knife out nearing him but Jungkook threw the gloves in the ground rolling his sleeve up then lifting his hand into the sky.

The man stopped, a rumor broke out, some of the servants were screaming when the officers went ghostly pale.

"Prince Jungkook," whispered Fang falling on his knees.

"I am Jeon Jungkook, son of king Jeon," said Jungkook feeling all eyes piercing through him. "And I declare no innocent blood will be spilled, non of my soldiers executed or harmed in any way," Jungkook was trembling innerly but the was keeping his head up proudly.

"Your highness, we thought we have lost you," some of the officers broke out in tears when the soldiers were suddenly kneeling down one by one, the servants falling on the ground, the whole crowd bending in front of him.

"Hybrid boy, bow to your king," said captain Fang when Jungkook turned abruptly to see Jimin who was still standing watching him in an indecipherable way.

"He will bow to no one, because he's the husband of the king... at least I hope so," Jungkook blushed hard feeling like just a boy again.

Jimin opened his mouth then closed it again and Jungkook wished to wrap him in his arms and beg for forgiveness, but all of the others were still looking at him with so much hope and expectancy.

"I will need three brave men to follow me tonight, we will go to king Yoongi's camp," he continued talking. "Yoongi has always been a dear friend of my father, so I would like to remind him about that. We will declare peace and ask him to join us in the quest into the capital to get rid of Namjoon once and forever," Jungkook spoke loudly and clearly again when the soldiers followed with applause. "Captain Fang take two of your most trustworthy men, we are setting off immediately, the rest of you prepare to set of with the first dawn. If everything will play into our favor we will reclaim our land till nightfall."

The Vivats which broke out were so euphoric Jungkook was stunned. He saw tears of joy and happiness in the people's eyes but when he turned towards Jimin his place was empty.

"Jimin! Jimin!" Jungkook ran between the servants who were all bowing low around him.

"He went that way," said a woman so Jungkook quickened his steps running between the tents till he saw Jimin's posture at the far end of the camp.

"Jimin!" he yelled sprinting that way when Jimin turned to him with scary disappointed eyes.

"Jimin... I..." Jungkook's voice cracked.

"For a second I thought that you... but of course no one can love me, not my mum, not you. I am not worthy to be told the truth. Who my father is! Who you are! Of course. Who am I, some hybrid who shouldn't be alive anyway," Jimin was shouting when Jungkook felt his heart breaking into tiny pieces.

"It's not... I... I had no idea how to tell you. Until today it wasn't even important, please, Jimin let me explain."

"No! I'm done being lied to. I can't take any more pain," Jimin took two steps from him.

"No please, I am an orphan. Just a lonely boy who only has you. Without you I was nothing. I was no one. I never even planned on revealing my identity, just simply dying in this war, but you made me who I am today, you gave me hope, light, strength, a reason to be alive. You made me a king," Jungkook was talking through the tears begging but Jimin was walking backwards further from him. "Jimin, please. We're family, remember."

Jimin's face darkened.

"I regret meeting you," he said suddenly shifting then running into the fog filled fields covered with thick snow.

"Jimin!" Yelled Jungkook falling on his knees sobbing madly.

No, it couldn't be happening.


He was yelling the boy's name into the night but there was just a frozen darkness surrounding him.


"Your Highness, me and my men are ready to set off," captain Fang's low voice sounded behind him.

"Give me a moment," muttered Jungkook taking in heavy breaths.

Looking into the fog that has swallowed the love of his life.

Jin, Taehyung please find Jimin and protect him, he begged in his mind.

Jin, Taehyung please find Jimin and protect him, he begged in his mind

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Thank you so much for your love. I know it has been a very sad chapter. What do you think about Jungkook exposing himself to stop the execution and Jimin's reaction? What will happen now?

Much <3

Crystal Snow (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now