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Tatum Hayes

"How was your first sleepover?" My dad asked after I greeted him, oblivious to what happened minutes before.

Normally, that would've been the moment where I'd burst out telling all we have done, but to be honest my attempt of trying to explain those last 24 hours kind of failed. I tried to ignore him.

"Well?" he asked, glancing at me

"Actually, pretty normal" I replied "we slept well, and this morning had pancakes for breakfast"

My dad half smiled. I knew he wanted Dakota to be my girlfriend to validate his delusion of being a cool parent, like two minutes after meeting her. My dad himself had a very bad historical of the women he dated, besides my mom. They were fine and then broke up, they were in love and four months later they changed jobs or their kids changed schools and moved across the state. Funny how relationships work.

We kept talking, first out of obligation and then by choice. We sat outside, laying on our backs and resting them on the wall. We ate strawberries until our fingers tainted red, and cleaned them up with our clothes. It was our thing. If my mother ever had caught us doing that, we'd have gotten sermonized for hours.

"Well, remember the opening for the school council? They ignored me. And then nobody got the job. And there was this woman-"

"Woah, there is a woman already?" I asked, faking surprise. He only glared at me

"-who offered to do that for free because she was tired of sharing ideas with those people. And that's it. Really sad" he mourned

"Sorry, dad" I said, sincerely. I knew he had been working hard to get a better job.

"Yeah" he said softly, but then he lit up "there is also this girl-"

"Oh, crap" I laughed, covering my face with my hand.

"Before you think weird stuff, no, not for me" he said, laughing "This girl, I've met her a couple of weeks ago. And the way she looks at my daughter, I might think my daughter is blind if she hasn't been paying attention to that. She looks like she had it rough, but they look nice together"

Silence. My dad had to murder the conversation for what he felt was the right thing to say. I fixated my eyes on Maka, who cuddled beside me, for almost an eternity while spacing off.

"Hmm" I mumbled, absentmindedly, wiggling my toes "So, what do you think I should do?"

"That's the thing, I don't know"

"Seriously?" I asked

He grinned "We raised you to be a good woman, Tatum. Caring, not an evil one. She has a lot of problems to solve with herself, but somehow she is a bright person around you. And I like her. I'll stay here when you head to college, I won't be there anymore even though I hope you try and come home a lot. Now it's time you make your own choices, without my advice"

"Woow, look at makua, finally growing upI whistled "I don't think I would've make it here without your advice. I don't want to let go of that"

"True" he smiled "but all I'm saying is that now you should follow your puʻuwai"

I stood up bravely after he helped me up.

"Good luck" he said

Sure, my day had been less that eventful save for the previous events, but it certainly could have been worse. I didn't have much time until Dakota realized that I wasn't who she wanted to hang out with. I couldn't believe I was about to face my feelings for the girl that I used to hate guts. I used to seem so terrorized by her, and everyone. That school was very hate-focused, and I was about to change fate, for once.

It was scary, if I  thought about it enough, to confess my feelings for Dakota Knox. If I messed up, if we messed up, there wouldn't be another shot for good. It wasn't like in one of those web series where you could easily see that there was a happily ever after. 

I'm ready to do this I admitted to myself, and I meant it. 

The more I approached to her house, the more I gave up on my bravery. On the good side, facing the blonde-haired girl would give me a good excuse to start working on bettering my self love. 

When I got to her front door, her dad appeared next to the window. He waved at me and greeted "Hi! Tatum, right?"

I had never met her dad before, so I only managed to put my hair on a side and looked down to avoid contact. I'm sure that by that point her dad didn't know if I was just shy or hostile, or both. He tried one more time, poking me in the shoulder, but I didn't flinch.

"Aren't you Tatum? Dakota's friend?" he asked smiling. I nodded, "that's great, I'm Duke Knox, it's nice to meet you. Gina said you were here the other night, I didn't feel well enough to introduce myself" he said, almost embarrassed of himself. Poor guy. 

"It's alright, sir. Mrs. Knox was very nice, and it's nice to meet you, too" I replied, smiling politely at him. Dakota had his eyes. 

"Yeah, I've been driving Dakota to you house sometimes. My neighbor lets us use her car, she can't drive-"  he stopped himself "I'm sorry, sorry, I talk too much, right?  Dakota is in her room, you can come in" he said, opening the door for me. I nodded as a 'thank you' and went upstairs.

Just the sight of the girl I craved was enough to make my heart beat faster. She was drawing something, but didn't seem quite happy with the result.

I cleared my throat, and bit on the insides of my cheek. She looked up at me, worriedly.

"Are you mad at me because of what I said earlier? I'm sorry, Tate. Do you hate me?" she asked, nervous.

I shook my head.

"Do you dislike me?" She said, and I got closer

I shook my head.

Dakota blinked, puzzled "Then what's that look on your face?"

"I'm sorry" I mumbled

Well, Tatum, that's not an answer, I said to myself. Al least I felt it was progress. I couldn't allow myself to be bolder in front of her, really.

"Is that all you have to say?" she asked, disappointed

"I don't know how to say what I came to say" I replied, looking down "It's frustrating, so I don't"

In the end, it was Dakota who lost her patience. She pushed me closer than ever and kissed me, gently at first but then I also pressed my lips against her own. I finally got to know what was like to be absolutely sure of something. Love. I loved Dakota with my whole heart. I had put all my love, need, care, lust and want into that kiss, and she did the same. It was explosive.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and her arms went around my neck. Our tongues felt each other, things were getting more heated. I didn't mind, but she finally parted. 

"But you just talked right now, didn't you?" she said, smiling after giving me one last full mouth peck.

"Just because of you" I laughed. She raised her eyebrows and kissed me again. 

"Do you know for how long I've been wanting to do that?" she asked

"Well, to me this time doesn't count" I huffed, and went back to kiss her.

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