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It has been a full week since mother and baby have been reunited, and Seonghwa falls more in love with his baby boy every second that passes. Minjun seems to grow before his very eyes as well, what once was a tiny newborn baby, now looks as if he could be a month old. His eyes are opened almost all the time now, and what a vibrant purple they are, and he often coos at Seonghwa in the sweetest, tinies voice.

His baby hardly ever cries, only when he got his shots from Hongjoong, he was not a fan of the Beta for the rest of the day. Seonghwa and Minjun stayed in the room, too scared to go out and face the others. Hongjoong told him about the rest of the house members, and how they were all excited to meet him. Even the children wanted to meet him and the baby, the others did their best to keep them away from Minjun while Seonghwa was unconscious.

Seonghwa shushes his child who whines softly as he fights sleep. Normally, Minjun was an excellent sleeper and wouldn't fight it but today he wanted to stay awake. He already missed his early morning nap, that was when Seonghwa took that time to bathe in the connected bathroom or even to sleep himself. He really needed this nap, but Minjun was refusing.

A soft series of knocks on the door caused Seonghwa to hold his baby close as he calls, "Come in."

When the door opens, a different male appears before him holding a tray of food. His eyes widen, "Oh, I'm sorry I thought you would be asleep."

Seonghwa looks away from him shyly, patting Mingjun's back and rocking him back and forth in the rocking chair. The male sets the tray down on the bed and takes the other dishes from breakfast earlier, "I just brought you by some lunch, I figured you were hungry."

"Thank you," Seonghwa whispers, still avoiding eye contact with the other male, who smells a lot like an Omega.

The omega smiles, "I'm Yeosang. For the past week I've been bringing you the food and towels. I mostly try to come in while you're sleeping or bathing to avoid the awkward introduction."

Seonghwa nods softly, holding his baby close to him to scent him, "I'm Seonghwa."

Yeosang smiles, gesturing to his baby, "I am honestly surprised he's been this quiet. When we had to take care of him he whined and cried for you all the time. The only time he stopped was when Wooyoung fed him. But even then he would make little sad coos and would sniffle. But even while he cried, he was so observant. The child knew when we would wrap him in an article of your clothing from your things, he would nuzzle and cuddle into them, he needed his mama."

Seonghwa smiles softly down at his baby as his son's eyes start slipping close, but still trying to fight sleep, "Right now he's fighting sleep."

"Oh yeah he did that too," Yeosang chuckles, "he wanted to stay awake and see everything around him but poor guy would tire himself out with all of the new surroundings and excitements."

"How did you get him to sleep?" Seonghwa asks, noticing now his child had a grip on his finger as his eye lids close finally.

"One of us would either sing, rock him to sleep in the chair, rub his back. Either of those really finally relaxed him to where he would fall asleep. All while he was wrapped in your blanket."

Seonghwa hums, kissing his child's forehead, "Well, I think he's finally going down now," he whispers.

"I'll leave you two alone then," Yeosang whispers back, backing out of the room slowly. He stops at the door however, and looks over his shoulder, "You know, if you ever want to come out of here you're more than welcome to. We just have a couple of children that live here as well so they may be a little loud and rambunctious. Just to give you a change of scenery."

Seonghwa didn't say anything to the Omega as he took his leave, once more leaving Seonghwa in the room with his baby. Sure he would like to get out of this room, he's actually like to get out of the house and continue his travels to find a place for him and his baby. However, as much as he wanted to travel he knew he was safe here especially his child.

But what was holding him back from trusting these wolves? They've done nothing but help him and his child, cared for them both medically and making sure they have eaten. He's only met the two members now, but judging from what Yeosang was saying there was a few more people in the house he has yet to meet that he will need to soon.

It was all starting to stress him out, so Seonghwa pushed the thought back into his mind and focused on his now sleeping son. When he for sure knew his son was fast asleep, he gently laid him down in the connective bassinet next to his bed and grabs his items to take a quick shower. As soon as he steps in the hot water, he immediately relaxes into the stream.

He thinks a lot about what Yeosang has said to him, about coming out to get out of the room some. He knew he had nothing to worry about, he felt more safe in the house than he did when he was outside in the forests. And Hongjoong and Yeosang's energy felt... comfortable. He didn't feel threatened by them, and his son even felt comfortable being around them (from what he could experience before Minjun knew he was in the room and cried for him).

He hurried with his shower before exiting the bathroom to dry off. As soon as he entered his room, his stomach growled with the food still sitting on the bedside table. While he had time, he quietly sat down on the bed and began to eat. It was some kind of stew with squirrel meat, rice, and beans and he could tell based on the texture of the meat it was squirrel. He soon gobbled the rest of the stew before moving to drink the glass of water brought to him as well. Before he knew it, the bowl was clean and his glass as well was empty.

Now feeling full and content, he piles his dishes together and sets them by the door on the table. He stares at the dishes however, knowing it won't be till later when whoever brings him dinner will grab them. He felt sloppy leaving them there, and swallows the lump forming in his throat. Looking to Minjun, he sees his son is still fast asleep all swaddled comfortably in a blanket.

It was best to do it now while it was just him, than to do it with his son in his arms. He knew he would be more protective and stressed if he was holding his baby.

Without thinking more about it, he stands and grabs the dishes, placing his hand on the doorknob. Taking a deep breath, he twists the knob and opens it slowly. He comes face to face with a long hallway, wooden floors a deep red oak color and cream walls with more photographs like up against the wall. A couple more doors accompany the hallway, all closed except for one that looks to be a bathroom.

He treads down the hall softly, the floors creak slightly under his weight as he walks down the hall to the noise of chatter and children giggling. However, all noise stops when Seonghwa steps on a certain part of the floor and a loud creak from the floorboards echos down the hall. He curses under his breath before deciding to retreat back to the room.

However, as soon as he turns around and before he can hide again, he hears a familiar voice call his name down the hall, "Seonghwa?"


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