Bound To You

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Mate. My mate, I promise you.

Seonghwa frowns as he processes the word. He's learned many words and sayings, but for some reason this one he hasn't quite gotten used to. Mingi refers to him as his mate, Wooyoung refers San as his mate. Jongho and Yeosang refer one another as mates. Does that potentially mean pack mates? Is that all Mingi sees him as? The loving gazes and the way he watches Seonghwa's every move says otherwise, so why was he so confused as to what Mingi means?

"You look perturbed," Hongjoong calls from his spot on the living room floor, folding his own basket of laundry belonging to his family, "What's going on in that brain of yours?"

Seonghwa sighs looking down at his nursing son, "Oh nothing, I'm just letting my thoughts get to me."

"Well, maybe I can help," Hongjoong chuckles, bringing his laundry basket closer and sitting right next to Seonghwa, "who are we gossiping about? Spill the news."

Seonghwa purses his lips, trying to think of how he can word this without gossiping or getting the wrong idea. So he looks to Hongjoong and frowns, "Are you my mate?"

Hongjoong's eyes widen as he is taken aback by the question, blinking rapidly, "What?"

"Are we all mates? Like pack mates?"

"Well yes, we're all pack mates. But a mate that we're tied to forever is a whole different level, Seonghwa."

Seonghwa tilts his head, frowning as confusion sets on his face, "There's two types of mates?"

"Well... technically yes. You have your pack mates, which is everyone in the pack. And then you have your soulmate, your lover." Hongjoong clears his throat, "If I were addressing about you to someone, I'd call you my pack mate. Because we're from the same pack and we're under the ruling of the same alpha. So, pack mates! Now, if I were talking to someone about Yunho, I'd address him as my mate. Or my soulmate if you will. The one who my wolf is tied to with his, or in the human world they would call them spouses."

Seonghwa hums, he recalls hearing security guards back at the laboratory talking about their wives and husbands. And he remembers talking to someone about the possibility of them having partners, but it never clicked in his mind that that's what a spouse is in the wolf world. He looks to Hongjoong, "So if someone were to address me, talking to me, and said 'my mate,' does that mean I'm their soulmate?"

Hongjoong smiles, "Ah.. I see what you are meaning now," He smirks, "Mingi's not very subtle is he?"

Seonghwa blushes, "Well it-it wasn't Mingi-"

"Seonghwa, you only have one mate in your life," Hongjoong laughs, "your wolf only ties itself to one person to mate with for life. If you are rejected, your wolf dies and in turn you die. You have to be talking about Mingi, because his wolf has already accepted you, does your wolf accept his?"

Seonghwa was even more confused now, frowning he looks away, "I don't know if it has or not..."

"Do you feel like you should go to him all the time? Do you feel comfortable and comforted when with him? Does your wolf leap for joy or stir whenever you feel his presence?"

Seonghwa blushes more, "Yes. Yes to everything."

Hongjoong chuckles, "Seonghwa, your wolf has accepted him. The only thing holding you back, is you." He stands with the finished laundry and places it on his hip, sighing, "Give Mingi a chance. He's a really sweet guy, and he will do anything for you. Minjun as well. Considering most wolves don't accept children not created from their wombs or seeds, he has fully accepted Minjun as his own. As if he were the father to him. That right there is something you don't want to lose."

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