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Seonghwa freezes as they call out his name, not making any move to the front of the stage. Everyone looked around to try and see who he was, it was the only time they ever knew what someone looked like.

Seoho looks at his brother with wide eyes, his voice shook as he spoke, "H-Hwa, you need to go."

"No!" Seonghwa shakes his head, "N-No I don't want to-"

"Seonghwa," Seoho cups his younger brother's face, locking his blue eyes with Seoho's green, "You need to go. If you don't they will make you, and it won't be nice."

Seonghwa felt tears pricking his eyes, Dr. Warren gets on the microphone again, "Where is Seonghwa?"

Seonghwa swallows the lump in his throat, Seoho nods, "I'll be fine Hwa, I'll be right here. I will see you soon."

Seonghwa knew it was a lie. He won't ever see his brother again. Once an Omega is picked for the fertilization process, they are taken to a whole different facility where they will inseminate the Omega chosen, study the pregnancy, and later prepare for the birth.

He doesn't know much more than that, but he will soon find out.

"Is Park Seonghwa here?" Dr. Warren's voice called out, her voice had a sharp tone to it and if you couldn't tell she was a little agitated.

Seoho kisses Seonghwa's forehead, turning him around and pushing him towards the stage. Seonghwa slowly stepped through the crowd, everyone's eyes on him now as he walks towards the stage. Dr. Warren's lips stretch into a fake smile, "Ah, there he is. We were starting to worry about you Seonghwa."

The scientist he was walking to harshly grabs his arm and drags him the rest of the way to stand beside her, her face emotionless and stern. His heart was racing a mile a minute as he looked amongst the crowd. Everyone looked at them, a few were staring at him in general and it felt as if he was standing naked in front of everyone's prying eyes.

He caught Seoho's eyes in the crowd though, and he couldn't help but tear up a little. He doesn't like the fact he's leaving his brother behind, more or less he doesn't know if he can survive without Seoho. He was always there for Seonghwa and he was always the one level headed person the younger needed.

But now, he has to learn to survive once more without his brother.

"Thank you all for coming, you may resume your daily activities," Dr. Warren gives them another tight lipped smile before turning on her heel and walking off the stage. The scientists grab their patients, and lead them to the doorway leading out of the facility. I'm order from which they are chosen, they are lined up by a wall outside of the main room with the other Omegas and Seonghwa still felt his pulse pounding in his head.

The Omega behind him shifts around uncontrollably, looking around with fear in his eyes, "What are they doing?"

Seonghwa looks to him, seeing the smaller Omega look stressed didn't help none with his stress level. Seonghwa whispers, "It's okay, just comply with them and it'll go smoothly."

The Omega didn't seem to think so, shaking his head rapidly. His breath picked up speed and without warning, he bolts down the hallway away from everyone. Seonghwa's eyes widen, and all at once the scientists chase after him. The small Omega takes the form of a red wolf, his claws clink down the hallway and making it hard to keep traction on the tiles.

He slips and slides, making it easy for the scientists to shoot an electric taser in his hip. The prongs hit him in the hip and in the ribs, instantly his body seized and he's down on the ground shaking from the electric currents waving through his body. He cries out with a yelp, his body seizing constantly.

The Omegas all watch in horror as they send another wave of electric shock to the Omega that tried to run, and inject him in the neck with something. It had to have been sleeping serum, it was in the same needle like tube they gave to Seonghwa when he was having trouble sleeping.

His body slumps to the ground, and slowly shifts back into his human form. Heel clank down the hall towards them and everyone's attention turned to Dr. Warren. Her face expressionless as her jaw clenched watching the scene before her, "Is there any one else who's going to run? Might as well do it now."

No made a move, all of the Omegas were tense and their distressed scents filled their air as they drew closer to one another. Seonghwa took calming breaths, his pulse was quicker in his ears as Dr. Warren looks at all of them, "Now that we've all come to our senses, let us head down to the fertility lab, shall we?"

Two scientists move from the Omega's body from the floor to a secluded room, probably to wait out his unconscious state. The rest of the scientists move to chain all of the Omegas together before anymore could attempt to escape.

If Seonghwa didn't feel like a prisoner in this place, he sure does now.

They are all transferred to a new level of the facility, their chains clink and clank against one another as they walk and move together. No one spoke, all you can hear is the occasional shuffle and deep breath. Dr. Warren leads them through a white hallway and tile floors to an available room, closing the door right after everyone enters, "Take a seat," her cold voice orders everyone.

The doctors lead the Omegas to the white tables in the center of the room, six wolves in the front, six wolves in the back. She walks over to the front of the room where a large, white, dry erase board awaits for her to begin the presentation she always gave the new Omegas entering the program, "Now that we're here, let's begin."


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