Lost Boy

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The night was quiet in the hotel room, every little sound woke Seonghwa out of a dead sleep and he would have no choice but to stare up at the ceiling. He was so tired, mentally and physically that he needed the rest. But how could he when any moment Dr. Warren and her crew of scientists and assistants could bust down the door and bring him right back to the facility.

Or worse.

Around three in the morning, he closed his eyes to try and attempt to sleep for a bit before he left early in the morning. But as he stumbled into slumber, his mind played vivid memories of the nightmare he's been trying to forget.

The heat.

Fire coursing his body, laying naked in the hospital bed while the doctor in charge of making sure the heating process was a success. The machine used to stimulate an alpha thrusting in him and it's knot, pounding against his skin and even the sounds pierce his ears.

"Please stop!" He pleaded, sobbing loudly, "STOP!!"

He gasps awake, sitting up in bed so quick it made his head spin. He laid back down in bed to calm the spinning room, only to realize the sun is shining through the cheap curtains and blinds. His heart was racing and his body was covered in cold sweats from the nightmare haunting him, but that didn't stop him from placing both hands on his stomach.

The firmness and small curve sparked a small nerve in him, making him feel nothing but love. Sure this wasn't how he planned to have his first baby, even though this is how he has been raised to believe this is supposed to be happen and this is normal, but this was still his child. The little being in him growing quickly was a happy little accident.

He couldn't help but let a small smile form on his face as he looks down at his stomach to in fact see the sheets pressing against the curve. His fingers brush against it gently, before his hand cups it affectionately, "I know it's going to be rough for a few weeks, but I will do anything and everything I can do to make sure you don't grow up how I did my little one. I will do whatever I need to do to make sure you grow up happy and healthy and safe. They won't take you from me, and if they try I will protect you till my last breath making sure you don't end up in their grasp."

As expected he didn't get a response from his belly, but he pats it gently before sitting up slowly once more. He checked the time in the bedside table to see it is only eight in the morning. He needed to act quickly.

He stood to quickly pack his items, looking around the hotel room to see what he could possibly take that can be of use to him. When his eyes land on the blankets and pillows, he froze and stared at the bed. He was already too far in a deep mess with theft, what's taking one pillow and blanket for himself? Who knows where he will be able to rest his head again.

He made room in his backpack, and folded the blanket as small as he could as well as stuffing the pillow in his bag. It was a little hard to do with the clothes in the pack, but he managed to stuff it full and place it once more over his back.

Taking a deep breath, he opens the door quietly and peeking outside. No one was outside, and no one is around, which gives hun the perfect chance to sneak out of the room and make a quick get away. After sliding the key under the door, he grabs the straps of his back and walks quickly down the road. He needed to find a bus station, that was his next goal was to take at least two more buses as far as possible.

The real question to be wondering however, will he be able to afford a ticket?

He kept walking down the street, eventually coming across a small bus area with a machine present. He could see a map showing the next buses and how much each ticket will cost for those buses. His heart sank when he seen the prices, pulling out his wallet and seeing just how much cash he had on him.

It wasn't enough.

He felt tears prick his eyes as he shakes his head, shoving the wallet back into his pocket and he decided to just keep walking. As he walked on a lone highway, cars passed by him slowly. Some of the people driving stared as they passed by, but Seonghwa kept his head held down as he walked. He knew this was just making him more vulnerable, but what other choice did he have?

Suddenly, a car honks as it pulls up behind hun and he looks back to see an old Volkswagen bus driving up to him. The yellow paint was chipping, and the metal detailing on the car was slightly rusty as it came clattering to a stop behind him. He froze as the driver opens the door, a woman with long brown hair smiles politely, "Where are you heading to hun?"

"Uh..." could he trust her? Maybe she could help him get further away, "I'm not really sure."

"Well I'm not either," she smirks, jerking her head to the back of her bus as she smiles once more, "Hop in." Seonghwa was about to refuse the offer, but the woman snorts, "Don't worry, I'm not one of those psycho killers who picks up random hitchhikers from the street and buries their bodies in the river."

Seonghwa's eyes widen and she waves her hand, "Come on kid, I don't have all day, this thing only gets nineteen miles to the gallon."

Seonghwa pushed past the anxious feelings he had about this situation, and decided to just climb in the vehicle. She giggles, clapping her hands as she adjusted her vintage sunglasses on her face, "The names Coral. What about you?"

"S-Seonghwa," the now brunette responds as he buckled in the seatbelt.

She chuckles, "Well Seonghwa, I hope you like listening to Godsmack," she presses a button on her stereo, and suddenly a song begins to play. Heavy bass and drums rattle in his ears. It was an interesting sound to him, back at the facility they didn't get to listen to music and if they did it was all classical.

Seonghwa's favorite they played was Fur Elise.

"So why are you leaving?" Coral asks, brushing back her brown waves out of her face, "You must have a reason you are wanting to leave."

Seonghwa felt his blood run cold, the boldness of this woman made him more nervous now. She waited patiently for an answer, and Seonghwa was quick to come up with a lie, "I was tired of the way things were back where I'm from. So I left."

She nods, "Rad. I left because my husband cheated on me and threatened to take everything from me. So I packed my shit up, sold our house, and bought this baby here," she taps the dashboard softly with a gentle smile, "now I'm free to go anywhere I please and do whatever I want without having that prick tie a leash to my neck and order me to do shit."

Seonghwa blushes, he wasn't used to this kind of talk and he wasn't used to someone being this blunt. Sure he had Seoho back home, but at least his brother was more discreet with things.

The sudden thought of his brother made him feel a wave of sadness, his heart breaks with the thought of what he could be going through right now. Is he eating? Is he functioning okay without Seonghwa there? Is their old room a mess or is it still clean like how Seonghwa always kept it?

"Hey, you can sleep if you'd like. You look like you could pass out any minute,"Coral smiles politely, "Mama's need their sleep too."

Seonghwa's eyes widen as he turns to her. His jaw drops as he processed what she just said to him, "H-How did you-"

"I used to be a midwife," Coral smiles, tilting her head, "You have that pregnancy glow. That and you are starting to show. What are you, about twelve weeks?"

Seonghwa knew he couldn't tell her about the facility and about his baby. Or even what he was. He was afraid she would turn him in and he was not about to put his baby in danger. In reality, Seonghwa was about four weeks pregnant, but he couldn't tell her that. So he doesn't hesitate, and he quickly lies again, "Yeah, I-I'm twelve weeks."

She smiles, "Congratulations. Motherhood is beautiful, the things you would do for your baby even before it's taking it's first breath in this world," she shakes her head fondly before humming, "And that means sleeping. So lay your seat back, and relax. When we stop for gas I'll wake you up so you can stretch your legs."

Seonghwa nods, reaching down on the side to find a lever to lower the seat. When he was down in a comfortable position, he felt exhaustion hitting him once more.

As soon as his eyes close, he's asleep once more.


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