Cherry Blossom

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The day started off as normal. Seonghwa helped Wooyoung make breakfast this time with Yeosang and Sooji. The little girl woke up wide awake as soon as she smelled maple syrup and immediately came running. She grew even more excited when she realizes that they are making what Hongjoong calls, breakfast bombs.

"I wanna do the eggs mama," Sooji comments, pulling a bar stool up to the counter.

"If you crack them you need to wash your hands really well okay?" Wooyoung warns her, "Go wash up and then you wash up after."

She giggles, rushing to the sink and allowing Yeosang to help her wash her hands before drying them thoroughly and rushing back over to Wooyoung. Seonghwa chuckles as he adjusts Minjun on his back in his sling, the baby was having a ball watching over Seonghwa's shoulder as his mother fried bacon and sausage for their bombs.

"We haven't had these in a while," Yeosang comments, "You can tell how excited she is."

"What are they exactly?" Seonghwa asks, frowning.

"It's bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, and cheese stuffed inside of a sweet biscuit!!" Sooji exclaims, bouncing on the counter excitedly.

"Settle down chick, or you'll be banned to the floor and won't be helping," Wooyoung laughs, "We really don't need you falling and getting hurt."

"I won't get hurt mom!" Sooji sasses, rolling her eyes as she brushes her hair out of her face.

"Yep, definitely your kid," Hongjoong comments, laughing.

Wooyoung sticks his tongue out at the Beta, shaking his butt at Hongjoong before going back to whisking the eggs again after adding seasoning. Seonghwa couldn't help but chuckle, but then remembers the blanket, "So I have another courting gift idea."

"Oh?!" Yeosang perks up, his hands never stop kneading the dough for the biscuits, "Care to share?"

"He has this blanket-"

Everyone groans and Yeosang couldn't help but giggle as Hongjoong rolls his eyes, "Oh yeah, the blanket."

"I got in trouble one time for washing the blanket and not being careful," Wooyoung snorts, "If he's so concerned about the fragility of the thing he needs to wash it!"

"It was his blanket his mother gave him," Seonghwa continues.

"And he sleeps with it every night, did he tell you that?" Yeosang smirks.

"Sang! Don't tell him that you will scare him away!" Hongjoong scolds.

"Well, he's gonna learn one day," Yeosang shrugs.

"But not now!" Hongjoong sighs, turning to Seonghwa, "We all know about the blanket, but what is your idea?"

"Well... he gave it to Minjun but I don't want him giving it to my son when it means so much to him... so I thought about fixing it?" Seonghwa questions, "I've sewn before at the laboratory, but I've never knitted or crocheted, or anything like that so I wouldn't know where to begin..."

"We actually have a bunch of yarn and quilting supplies!" Wooyoung perks up, "I actually know how to knit! I learned how to when I was pregnant with Soo. So if you want, I can teach you? And if you don't want to use the fabric we have or the yarn we have, we can go to the market and go shopping!"

"Oh! Yes I actually need medical supplies," Hongjoong comments.

"Yes and I actually need something for Jongho's next courting gift," Yeosang smiles, "Hopefully last. I'm ready to be his mate I'm just waiting for him to ask me."

"Oh that won't be long," Wooyoung smirks, "I think he's ready too."

"Why not go today?" Hongjoong asks, "Take the kiddos and we can all have a mommy baby day! And maybe convince Mingi to give us the credit card to eat out?"

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