Chapter 1

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The day before the new school year and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was silent. Dumbledore's tragic death, as a result, Snape was the new Headmaster. There he was, standing in the Great Hall, staring at the ceiling as his mind was struggling to focus. He was anxious. He paced up and down the hall while his robes fell gracefully behind him. The sound of his shoes on the floor, bounced on the nearby walls because he was the only one making noise. He ran his fingers through his greasy hair as he sighed with exasperation. His gloomy expression displayed his thoughts. 

I can't do this. But I have to because I promised, he thought. A swishing moment of his arm and he has apparated to a handsome manor, the lights illuminated from the windows showed some habitants that were meeting in a long table. The most evil wizard and his companions and supporters, were sitting around the table, their elbows above the table with their fingers intertwined. Snape made his apparition an entrance as he stood there, following the eyes of many Death Eaters. 

"Thank you for accompanying us, Severus," the Dark Lord greeted. He had an air of infamous superiority as he fed on the fear of the ones sitting at the same table as him.

Snape looked gravely at him while he sat in a chair that was directly opposite of his. Snape set his hands on the table, like the rest of the supporters, as he waited for Voldemort to speak. No one was allowed to speak unless they were addressed directly from him, the only exclusion if it is something absolutely important to say. It was an unspoken rule but it was never forgotten. 

"Now that we have everyone, I have a few topics to talk about with all of you," Voldemort said, smiling mischievously. This sent a wave of worry to the people on the table as they saw him smiling so much. Voldemort fixed his gaze at the father of the blond boy. "Lucius... Any news on how I will be able to kill Harry Potter?" 

Lucius looked immensely worried as he cleared his throat to enlighten them with his information. He said with a weary tone, "Dumbledore was the owner of the famous Elder wand. Snape killed him so it means that the wand is still-"

"I already know that, Lucius," Voldemort snapped, feeling impatient. Voldemort ticked his tongue and shook his head. "I need new news and information. What about you my most faithful supporter?" He looked at Severus with a sense of admiration even though he despised such things. 

"I am afraid I don't know of anything else," he commented. Severus snapped his lips shut after he said that, it was best to say less than with the Dark Lord, to avoid any arguments or annoyances.

Voldemort felt disappointed but he knew that it was what he could expect from them. "Really? Does anyone have anything for me?" He looked around the table and making sure that they knew he was looking at them. He made eye contact with each of them, living with the absolute fear and respect in their eyes. No one said a word and they couldn't keep eye contact for much longer. This went on for a couple of minutes. After a moment he sighed and said, "Very well, I want to talk with all of you about how I can surprise Harry this school year." 

Bellatrix laughed as she suggested some things. The Death Eaters started to talk among themselves, filling the manor with a loud rambling of voices, until there was a topic that suddenly interested Voldemort the most. "There is this girl in the same year as him and Draco. She's close with Potter and, if I am not mistaking, I believe Harry fancies her," Bellatrix said, not taking her eyes off Voldemort. She flashed her toothy grin, laughing with her curly hair falling on her face. 

"Who is that girl?" Voldemort asked with peak interest, addressing everyone. The table grew silent and everyone fixed their gaze on Voldemort and Bellatrix. He never heard of this girl and he was determined to know who she is. 

"Well, my lord, I don't know. I can't possibly know-"

"Why is it important Dark Lord?" Snape asked, shifting his weight onto his elbows on the table. The Malfoy family, Lucius and Narcissa, discreetly looked at Draco without making it too noticeable. Severus looked into Voldemort's slits of eyes as he managed to stand his composure. 

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