Chapter 17

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"I don't know what to do," Harry blurted out, pacing around the room. He was in a state of horrible anguish, his face scrunched up in thought. "What should I do?" He asked. He looked at each of you, hoping one of you had the answer.

Ron shrugged his shoulders defeatedly and sighed again. He looked tired, his eyes droopy and his lips pouting. He got up from the couch and has leaned on a counter at the other side of the room. His arms placed firmly on top of the wooden counter, hearing it spleen as he shifted his weight from his feet to his hands. "I don't know either," he responded, blowing off air through his mouth. 

Hermione walked along the room, her footsteps muffled through the carpet. She was tying her hair in a ponytail and you watched how some of the pieces of her hair fell. They framed her face perfectly, making her eyebrows more sharp. She raised her eyebrows and replied, "Well, we shouldn't figure out what we should do. We already know." 

You raised your back from the ground, slumping your shoulders and turning your head to look at Hermione. "What do we know?" You asked, yawning as you felt horribly tired from all the worrying. You grabbed a book from beside you and you brought your head towards it. You sighed, feeling the leather cover scratch your skin. "I feel like my last brain cell is getting lonely. I can't think of anything!" You exclaimed, raising your head to look at the ceiling.

"We know that we are, for absolutely no reason, not letting Harry go to him at midnight. Absolutely not," Hermione demanded, looking at Harry with a serious look. She didn't like it when others didn't agree with her, or dared to counter her. You liked that about her, since you also shared that stubborn streak. 

"I absolutely agree with Hermione," you stated, getting off the floor with a slight miss of your step. You got dizzy momentarily since you got up so fast. Your head spun a little bit, and you stabled yourself by holding on to the table. A couple of seconds later you were fine.

"But-" Harry said quietly. He frowned and his eyes fell. "I don't want to cause any more deaths," he continued, his voice drowning out as if it the volume was lowered. He rubbed his arm over his mouth, his eyes roaming around the carpet. 

You frowned, obviously knowing why Harry could possibly feel that way. "Harry," you mouthed, feeling guilty at his empty expression. You paced towards him extending your arms to wrap him. He smiled weakly and hugged you tightly.

"Thank you," he mumbled, placing his forehead on your shoulder, "I always feel better when you hold me." 

You smiled rubbing your hand at the back of his head. "I'm glad I can help," you replied, separating from the hug. You extended your arm towards the others and all of you held on to each other. 

When all of you separated from the hug, Harry started to touch his scar. His face scrunched up in pain as he took a few steps back, stumbling onto the table. The table fell, making a loud noise that echoed through the room. He braced himself, his shoulders tensing and his knees locked, wincing in pain as his scar was troubling him. 

"Harry?" Ron asked, walking over to him and grasping his arm before Harry fell on his back. The both of them fumbled. Ron was trying his best to grab Harry and this sent you and Hermione over to help. You helped Ron grab Harry by pulling Harry forwards to not burn his hair on the fire. He stumbled onto you, he closed his eyes tightly and his breathing was escalating horribly and you felt his pulse under your fingertips. 

"He's hyperventilating," Hermione observed, moving some of the things off the floor. "Bring him onto the couch, now." She jogged to the couch and sorted things off the couch to give space for Harry. 

You looked at Ron and gave him a slight nod. The both of you helped Harry make his way towards the couch, a few missteps more and you plopped him onto the couch. Harry was still wincing, and he squirmed onto the couch. You watched as how his neck was bulging and his forehead was covered in sweat. 

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