Chapter 15

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"From the what?!" Harry asked, stunned by the boy's expression. Everyone started to panic, some students were crying, some were explaining to the other's what happened because they weren't listening, some were running away. 

"I said, from the sky. It says to listen to what it has to say," the boy said, panic making his voice crack. He started to shift on either foot, nervously looking around him as if expecting someone to scream. 

"It's alright, go over there, with those students. Everything is going to be fine," Harry soothed, pushing the boy in the direction of some of the curious students. They immediately asked the boy several questions. Harry turned to look at you with anticipation all over his face and posture. He cleared his throat and said, directing to the Order, "Can you help some of the students-"

"I'll take it from here, Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall asserted, taking the attention from everyone again. "Everyone! Listen to me. No need to be frightened. Just-" 

Everyone fell silent as there was a loud booming from outside of the castle. You ran, along with others, towards a window, to figure out what made that noise. You stared through the window. Your eyes looked at the ground, watching some dementors and Death Eaters make their way through the black lake. You stood flabbergasted and watched as they were getting closer and closer. 

"I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood. Give me Harry Potter, and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight," the sky boomed. It was Voldemort. 

This caused a commotion inside the castle, even worse than before. "Professor Filch, help evacuate the students immediately. Everyone, follow Professor Filch, urgently! Hurry now!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, motioning with her hands toward the Professor. The students followed orders and Filch helped them make their way out of the Great Hall. The older students helped the first years go in front of the evacuation, making it their plan to help them first. The students were trying to keep calm, in sake for everyone. 

"Oh my, what are we going to do?" You asked, looking at everyone as if they were in a blur. "We can't let him take Harry," you stated, seeing how the Order gathered, Professor McGonagall, and your friends near you. 

Everyone looked at Professor McGonagall. She fixed her glasses on her nose nervously and said, looking directly at Shacklebolt, "Help me build the defenses around the castle." He nodded and stood next to Professor McGonagall. 

"We'll help too," Mrs. Weasley replied, holding on to her husband's arm. 

Professor McGonagall nodded and she stormed away with Kingsley. "We'll be back, dears," Mrs. Weasley promised, giving her kids a smile. She followed Professor McGonagall with her husband right next to her, waving at his kids. After they left, you were left looking back at your loved ones with a worried glance. 

"Harry, we have to get you out of here, you can't stay here," Lupin breathed, trying to make Harry change from his blank expression. 

"I agree with Remus," Ron supported, nodding as Hermione gave him a worried look. She was close to Ron, ignoring everyone in the room and stared at him. "I'll help find somewhere we can keep him safe," Ron continued, noticing Hermione with a small smile.

"I know a place," Fred added, finding his way towards Harry, you, Hermione and Ron. "Follow us." George walked along side his twin brother, making his way through the students. You followed them, along with Harry, Hermione and Ron, right beside you. The hall was filled with students, trying to get with their friends, the lot of them trying to leave the castle in a hurry. You looked around and realized that Hogwarts changed completely. Nothing was how it was before. There was no cheery students, no pranks being pulled or laughter. Your heart broke as you saw a first year cry. 

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