Chapter 12

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"Y/n? Oh my God, Harry, I don't think it worked," Hermione sobbed, moving your arms. 

Your body was weighing you down but a couple of seconds after you heard Hermione's voice, your chest lifted, making you audibly gasp, your lungs trying to get as much air as they possibly can. Your eyes opened rapidly but you couldn't take in your surroundings as Hermione embraced you with her arms. She sobbed onto your shoulder as your eyes were starting to focus. "What-?" You asked, bewildered. 

Ron let out a relieved exhale and after Hermione finished sobbing onto your shoulder, he didn't hesitate to give you a hug. "Bloody hell, it worked!" He exclaimed as the both of you hugged. He patted your back and let you go to stare at your shocked expression. 

"What's happening? Where is Harry?" You asked, after feeling many tears stream down your own face as you watched your friends. You wiped the tears off, chuckling wetly as they did the same thing. 

"Harry is outside, hiding in his cloak," Hermione answered, cracking her knuckles nervously with a smile on her face. 

You nodded and a sudden fear crawled upon you. You hurriedly moved in the cushion you were on, eyeing where you were. The ceiling was incredibly high, making you feel small. You eyed the drawers and tabletops next to you. You let your eyes follow the other beds, replicas to your own.  All along the wing. The wing? No, it can't be. "Hermione? Please tell me we are not in the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts," you said, trying to steady your frightened voice. 

Hermione nodded and said urgently, "Yes, we are. We had to come here, it was the only... only way to save you." She couldn't control the fear in her eyes as she said the last few words. She walked along the bed to you, examining your eyes and arms. 

You shook your head in disbelief and asked, "Save me? What happened?" 

Ron's head moved back, as if dodging a punch, and asked, "Do you not remember what happened a week ago?" 

You shook your head in response. "A week ago? Wait. I wasn't with you guys for a week?! Oh Merlin's beard. What the heck happened to me?" You exclaimed, crying onto your hands. It was true, you didn't remember what happened at all. The last thing you remembered was going towards a portrait. A portrait that hid something, you remembered, but that was it. You pressed onto your temple with your fingers, forcing your brain to try and remember anything, anything else. "I'm so sorry, whatever I did, you guys didn't deserve it. I can't imagine the fear and stress you guys went through because I..." As you were trying to finish the sentence, a series of flashbacks struck your mind at the instant. Flashbacks so vivid, it felt like you were dreaming. You remembered. Your eyes widened and you cursed yourself. "How can I be so stupid?! I should've listened to you, Ron, when you told me to be careful with the sword. My curiosity got the best of me. Oh my... Hold on, how am I alive? Aren't I supposed to be dead?" You said, looking at your own arms. You exhaled as you saw that it was your own skin, not gray transparent skin. 

Hermione cleared her throat, ready for the long explanation. But as she opened her mouth, everyone heard footsteps from farther down the wing. Hermione, Ron and you turned your head to look down, but to only find the empty wing. The footsteps went faster, and faster, and you smiled as you knew who it could be. 

"Hi, Harry," you said, hearing as his footsteps were more clear. "We can't see you with your cloak on," you mentioned, watching as his hands were the visible thing you saw first. He took off his cloak in a hurry and set it down on the floor. His face was full of surprise and joy as he let his arms guide towards you. He hugged you tightly. You hugged him back, feeling content with having him in your arms again. Ron and Hermione shared a glance at each other, and hurriedly looked the other way. You smiled onto Harry's shoulder as you saw that interaction. You snuggled onto Harry's neck, feeling his weight shift onto you, making you lean back a little bit. 

"I missed you so much, y/n. I'm so glad you are well, alive, and I am able to see you again," he said, trying to get closer to you, but that wasn't even possible. He didn't want to let you go, as simple as that. 

"I'm glad I am alive as well. I missed you, too. I missed everyone. Now, can someone please tell me how you guys brought me out of the dead?" You asked, massaging Harry's back as he clung onto you. You smiled at him, trying to see why he was hugging you for so long. You didn't mind it. At all. 

Ron coughed and Hermione looked at him sternly. She sighed and explained, "Okay. Y/n, you touched the basilisk venom on that sword. The venom is fatal to anyone who touches it but I remembered something I read last year. The basilisk venom is fatal and it only has a cure that is extremely rare; phoenix tears." 

You stopped circling Harry's back and said trying to recollect your wild thoughts. "Phoenix tears. You guys came here to get some tears from Fawkes? Risked being caught by Snape just to save me?" You asked, shaking your head. 

"Well, we couldn't let you die, y/n. You don't deserve it," Hermione said, dropping her eyebrows as she talked. 

"Thank you, you guys are amazing. I appreciate it, I really do. I hope Snape didn't see you?" You asked, them shaking their heads in response. You sighed and you noticed how Harry was still hugging you. You looked back at Ron and Hermione and whispered hastily, "Has he slept, at all?" 

Ron shook his head and whispered back, "No, he didn't want to sleep. He actually stayed with you the entire time. He didn't want someone to find you and try to harm you. Trust me, when I tell you he didn't sleep, he didn't sleep." 

You chuckled and scooted slightly as Harry's head weighed onto your chest. You smiled slowly and scooted towards the end of the bed. His head weighed a ton and you finally were able to stand up. He immediately started to snore and you smiled gratefully at him. You danced along the shiny floor towards Harry's cloak, you picked it up, though it did cause you some trouble to find it. You hurried back to Harry and placed it over him. In a matter of a swoosh, Harry was gone, invisible. You looked back at your friends and said, "We should let him take a nap. I would like to talk to you guys about what happened while I was in coma for a couple of days." They nodded in agreement and the three of you walked farther away from Harry, giving him some time to recover. 

You sat down on a bed, giving Hermione and Ron space to do so as well. You stared at your friends, staring at their swollen faces. "Have you guys slept?" You asked. 

Ron shrugged his shoulders and Hermione shook her head. 

You sighed and said, "Well, you guys should rest as well. I will stay here making sure you guys don't get caught sleeping at the wing. Please sleep. We can talk later." You stood up, stretching, twisting your whole body to hear your back crack. 

"What about you?" Ron asked, yawning himself, smiling at Hermione's annoyed expression. 

"I've technically slept for a week, Ron. I feel so recovered," you said, sighing contently as you cracked your fingers. "Now if you don't want to go to sleep right now, I will nag the both of you until you do," you threatened, crossing your arms across your chest. 

Ron raised his hands up in the air in defeat. He looked at Hermione and gave her his signature sly smile. "I do need a small nap. Thanks," Ron said, as he started to lay down. Hermione got up and rolled her eyes with a slight smile on her face. She walked over to a bed directly across from Ron's. She whispered, "Boys" with a small smile and she laid down herself. She gave you a sleepy grin and yawned. "Bye, y/n," she whispered, curling into a ball to sleep. 

"Bye, Hermione, sleep well," you said, walking along the floor. You waited patiently as their eyes started to close, hearing their breaths slow and their chest rise and fall in a steady rhythm. You let out a quiet sigh and walked towards the end of the wing, near the open doors. You closed the large doors after checking for anybody in the halls. You shifted your head back to look at your friends, soundly asleep. You tip-toed to a desk where there was fresh parchment with a quill on ink. You grabbed some loose parchment and steadied the quill on your hand. You looked back at your friends and began to write:

Dear Father.    

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