Chapter 29

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"That's your dad?" Fred asked in a high tone as the three of you were running out of the castle. 

"Yeah," you replied, somewhat out of breath. You have found the wand on the floor of the Great Hall. You just never knew how it could go all the way over there. 

"Woah," George said, "He looks a lot like you." 

"So I heard," you commented, a little grin on your face. 

"How come you've never told us about him?" Fred asked, continuing to run but being mindful that you couldn't keep up. 

You shrugged your shoulders and responded with, "I didn't feel like he ever needed mentioning really. Why do you think that when I met you guys, I was alone." 

They both raised their eyebrows but not in pity but of understanding. They were probably used to having friends that have some type of messed up story behind them. 

"What do you think about him now? I mean, with those flashy robes, I believe he isn't the most proper guy," George commented, making you smile weakly at him.  

"That was the reason he left. I guess, by his reasoning, he had to go join them to protect me. Considering how my mother died in the hands of Voldemort..." You trailed off, suddenly your throat was tight and your heart weighed. You felt you have been too hard on your father after all. If you were in his position, you would've done anything to protect the child. But, you wouldn't have been totally absent- He had Remus and Sirius look after you. You felt that your legs wanted to run back and help him kill Bellatrix. "I'm such a horrible person, I need to go back. I need to apologize." 

They looked pleadingly at you, Fred's forehead wrinkled while George's big brown eyes looked worried. 

"If he dies in the hands of her, I would never have the opportunity to apologize to him. I need to say sorry," you begged, looking at them both.   

"But, Harry..." George began but decided to end his sentence short. 

"He is still fighting with him and I doubt that I will be any help. If you can, go make sure that everyone is safe and try to leave the castle," you suggested. 

"Why do we have to leave the castle?" Fred asked. 

"Mostly everyone fled the second the battle started again. Why do you think we haven't seen Ferret boy? I'm sure him and his family left when Harry was announced alive again. Probably didn't want to look like a fool in front of everyone," you explained, rolling your eyes before saying, "So, if they were able to leave, I'm sure you guys are able to leave as well." 

"But, Harry... And the rest...," George began. 

You considered his response and nodded. "Alright, I get your point. How about help the younger ones to leave, if they haven't left already. I'm pretty sure the stupid Ministry is helping if they aren't scared out of their wits." 

They chuckled and said, "Okay, but go back to Harry as soon as you can. We just got him back." 

"Trust me, I'm not losing him again," you approved, smiling at their grinning faces. 

"You mean, you told him?" George asked, smiling at you. 

"I guess so. It was mutual," you responded, blushing madly at their approving faces, "Now, we could save this for later. Go and help the younger kids to evacuate. I doubt Professor McGonagall and the other professors are going to be able to hold off the defenses for any longer. Please stay safe, and don't get killed. Because I swear-" 

They laughed but there was a kind of nervousness to it. 

"We'll make sure we don't get killed," Fred assured, a little shadow crossing his eyes.

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