Chapter 33

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Voldemort stared, the light highlighting his anger perfectly, the flushed skin and pulsing veins. His blood red eyes looked more dangerous as he stared at Harry with an anger you thought it has already passed its limits. He grasped his wand with his left hand, his snakelike fingers enclosing on it. You stared at the wand, it had a different texture and shape than the bone-like one you knew was his. This wand was made of dark wood, circular shapes were carved out of it, and the memory cleared on you. That wand is Dumbledore's. The Elder Wand. 

You felt alarmed. Your heart was in your throat but you didn't know how to react. You can't do anything, even if you did, it would change absolutely nothing. Your throat became dry as if you needed to drink the whole Black Lake. 

Voldemort walked forwards making your father step forwards as well, pushing you and Harry behind him. You looked at Harry. Being behind your father, in hiding of Voldemort, you needed to reach for some sort of comfort. Harry looked at you as well and you felt all of your worries escape you. Staring at his blue eyes felt like the waves on the ocean that always calmed you. He smiled at you and you felt like you wanted to cry. You had no idea why but seeing him always made you feel like you could have never asked for more. 

"Move," Voldemort ordered, talking to your father in a commanding way. 

The voice of the person you hated the most brought you back to reality. 

Your father stayed rooted in his spot and didn't talk at all. You could feel the fear he must be feeling. A sudden jolt in your stomach and a shaking hand. 

"I told you once and I am not going to tell you again," Voldemort threatened, his voice licked with a dangerous tone. Even though you couldn't see him, you felt that he was furious. 

Your father stayed silent. 

Voldemort let out a deep exhale and pointed his wand at your father. "If the both of you don't show yourself, I am resulted in killing him," Voldemort ordered, his voice raising as if you and Harry weren't just a couple of feet in front of him. 

Your father grabbed your arm and Harry's. He walked the both of you to the side of him and a sudden understanding dawned on you. If you pretended to be scared but not too much, then Voldemort won't be able to rash his anger out on you and kill you. He must know you are the horcrux, that is why he doesn't suspect anything. If you try to hint at him that you aren't, then he would kill you. 

"Ahh," Voldemort said, looking at you and Harry with a cunning smile. "The two lovers reunited. Tell me," he looked at you, "how does it feel to know that you are the reason I will be able to stay alive?" He started to chuckle as Harry looked at you as if he never recognized you. 

You stared at him, your eyes widened and your lips turned downwards. He probably thinks I am some sort of dark wizard. He doesn't know, does he?  You thought, feeling so conflicted you just wanted to shout at Voldemort to go and off himself. 

"What," Voldemort said in a falsely surprised tone, "You don't know?" He looked at Harry and chuckled at Harry's shocked face. Voldemort fixed his red eyes at you and motioned you to him. 

You stood, still transfixed at what was happening. Seeing Harry's face made your stomach hurt like if he was yelling horrible things at you. It looked like he was so disappointed and you wanted to do anything in your power to make him smile again.

You were paralyzed with fear and thoughts that you didn't realize you haven't moved. 

Voldemort flicked his wand at you and you felt an undenying force pulling you forward. Your feet tugged forward and before you could object, Voldemort's body was inches away from you. Your hand started to throb horribly and you winced in pain, even though no one touched you. 

Voldemort turned you around with his wand and you were facing Harry's and your father's petrified. "You see this horrible face," Voldemort inflicted, pointing at your face with the tip of his wand. 

Harry gasped slowly as he saw how Voldemort laughed as your heartbeat was pounding on the back of your throat. Your father had his wand out and ready but didn't use it. 

"Now, I'm not going to do anything to her," Voldemort mentioned, "because she is rather useful in my survival in someway." He pushed you forwards. You were feet in front of Harry and your father, you wanted to run to them but your feet were glued. Voldemort started to circle around you, not taking his gaze off Harry's. 

"You see, Harry Potter, she is considerably so useful that I can't let her die," he continued, his voice threatening with disgust. 

"Why not?" Harry asked, his voice powerful. 

You were a little shocked that Harry was able to speak to Voldemort under these circumstances. 

Voldemort nodded apprehensively and answered, "I was waiting for you to ask that question, Harry. Always wanting to know everything.... You see, your girlfriend here, is... How do I say this? A horcrux."

The breathing of everyone stopped. Nothing made a sound. There was no yells, no gasps, no screams... nothing. The world had gone on mute. Harry's mouth opened slightly in surprise and moved his neck to look at your father. Your father didn't take his eyes off you, his eyes alarmingly trying to tell you to not say anything. 

"She's... she's a... a what?" Harry stuttered, his face looked like he's been slapped. 

"A horcrux," Voldemort breathed onto your ear. 

Apart from being scared, you felt guilty. You knew it wasn't true that you were the actual horcrux but there is no way that Harry can possibly know that if Voldemort was right next to you. You wanted to tell Harry so badly but you couldn't. It will destroy the plan you and your father mentally agreed on. 

"You see, Potter," Voldemort called, walking over to Harry, "Your girlfriend was going to die. Killed. She wasn't going to breathe anymore. You know why? Because you and your friends decided to destroy the horcrux that I so wanted to keep safe. Fortunately or unfortunately," he turned to look at your father with disgust in his tone, "Her father was able to get the potion from Severus, the one where it could get rid of basilisk venom. Both of them traitors!" He spun in a wide circle and you could feel the tension electrify.

Your father gulped and Harry was staring intently at you. 

You had to avoid his eyes. 

"Her father gave her the potion that would heal her obviously," Voldemort said, "but I thought it would have killed her instantly. You see, and I should have known, I made a mistake. I accidentally placed some part of me in that potion, believe it or not. I didn't know that it would make her a horcrux." Voldemort pretended to gasp in shock but chuckled hollowly right after. 

"So...," Harry began.

"You can't kill me, unless... you want to kill her too," Voldemort taunted.    

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