Chapter 13

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Dear Father, I saw you in that forest. Don't try to deny that it isn't you because I finally saw you again. I went to the cabin you, mother and I used to live at. I don't know if you know this but there was an object that was hidden inside it. I won't explain any further because I don't want to risk anything happening to my friends. I want to see you again, and I know exactly who I should go to. I understand if you don't want to see me again but I have to know why you helped us. Why you let my friends and I escape. I could possibly help you but I have to know, but most importantly, I have to know what happened to my mom. Signed, your daughter.

You rolled the piece of parchment tightly and turned to watch your friends for a moment longer. You struggled whether to wake them up but you couldn't risk them asking what was in the parchment you were holding. There was a rubber band on the desk and you grabbed it. You secured the parchment with the rubber band. You walked to the entrance, putting a little pep in your step as you heard Ron snore loudly. You opened the door quietly and tried to find an owl anywhere. No hooting or any flapping wings were in the hall so you resulted in going back inside the wing. 

"Y/n?" Hermione asked, half asleep. 

You immediately placed the parchment on the desk and jogged towards Hermione. "Yes, Hermione?" You asked, a little out of breath from that journey. You looked anxiously at Hermione as she started to rub on her eyes. 

"I heard the door open and I... I thought you were gone," she said, finishing her yawn at the middle of the sentence. Her eyes were droopy and her lips turned up into a smile. "I'm glad you are still here. Is it almost time for our nap to be over?" Hermione asked, her eyes still dropping. 

You shook your head and answered, "Of course not. Continue to sleep. I have to go outside really quickly because I want to observe something." You took a few steps back before Hermione noticed why you were so fidgety. 

"Y/n? Is everything alright?" Hermione asked, a little suspicion tickling on her voice. 

You shook your head. "I'm all right," you lied. 

"Oh, okay then. Go ahead, we'll stay here," Hermione said. Her eyelids shut and she let out a soft sigh as she fell into a doze again. 

You exhaled deeply as if you were holding your breath the whole time. You pranced along the floor, making your way to the parchment you were intending to send to your father. You grabbed it and headed outside of the wing. You let the door creak as you closed it. 

Heading towards Snape's office, you carefully made your way through the halls, making sure no one saw you there. The stairs were there, and you were able to travel easily without any interruptions. It was oddly empty, so you decided to take this to your advantage and went speedily to the Headmaster's office. 

You opened the door that used to be Dumbledore's but you didn't have time to mourn as you heard footsteps behind you. You closed it with a loud thud making the person in front of you snap his head to look who closed it so loudly.

Snape's eyes widened with alarm and he made his way towards you in a hurry. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked urgently, making his expression really worried as he saw you hold a scroll. 

You straightened your back and looked directly into his black eyes. You mustered all of your strength and replied, "I want to send a letter to my father and I know you can send it to him." 

"Are you crazy? I will not do that," he replied, walking back to his desk.  

You went closer to his desk, not giving up on your proposition. "I need to know why my father did the things he did. Please, just send this to him," you said, handing the scroll of parchment to him. 

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