Chapter 7

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"There were two Death Eaters, like I am assuming all of you know already. They were honestly so dumb that I couldn't believe how they managed to be in that forest. I told them that I wasn't the one they were looking for and I even told them that brown hair is common," you said, bringing the cooked rabbit leg to your mouth. The skin tore as you chewed with your teeth. It needed salt and a lot of seasoning but you didn't mention it and were thankful for the food. 

"Brown hair? I don't understand," Ron said, eating more of his own rabbit leg. 

You nodded and let the food pass your throat. "They were talking about this girl that You-Know-Who wanted. They said she has brown hair but that is ridiculous because brown hair is common. Who do you think they meant by the girl with brown hair? What do they want with her?" You questioned, wiping the juice that fell on your chin with your sleeve. 

Ron glanced nervously at Hermione and the thought emerged from your mind. You glanced at her and said, "Do you think they mean by you?" 

Hermione shook her head and said, "No, I don't think so. They call me by a different name, which we all know what it is." She walked back and forth on the tent since she didn't have much of an appetite to eat rabbit. 

Harry has been oddly quiet as it was his time to wear the locket. He played with his fingers which kept him from saying anything that was on his mind. The thoughts that the locket implemented gained on his sickened mood. 

You were deep in thought and you haven't considered the thought of the girl being yourself. You didn't bring it up because you were worried they wouldn't let you help anymore. You binged on the rabbit, hoping it could fill the angst you were feeling as the horrible thought circled and circled around your head. You finished the rabbit and until it was only bones, you threw it away. 

"Then who are they looking for?" Ron asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 

Harry's head raised from his horrible posture and he fixed his eyes on you. You pretended not to notice but all eyes were on you now. You tucked some hair behind your ear and said, "What? I can't possibly know."

"I think they are looking for you," Harry whispered, not taking his eyes off you. 

You shook your head as if the thought is entirely ridiculous. "I don't think so-"

"Who else will they be looking for?" Harry asked, standing up from his chair to place his hands around a table. The locket was messing with his mind as he couldn't bear to think anymore of it. "They know that we are here and I don't know how much... how much they know. Do you think they know about the Horcruxes?" Harry asked, gripping the locket tightly. 

Ron shook his head and said, "But, they don't know about me, Hermione and Y/n. Remember that there is this ghoul occupying my bed right now?"

"And my... my parents don't remember that they have a daughter," Hermione said quietly. Tears threatened to flow and she turned so that no one can see her do that. She rubbed her sleeve over her eyes and sniffed silently. She walked towards the mess that was on that side of the tent to occupy her mind on something productive instead. 

"What about you, y/n? Does anyone know you're here?" Ron asked, rubbing his hands on his shirt. He cleared his throat a little unaware of how his question changed the atmosphere. 

Your face dropped a little and Harry said, "Come on, Ron. You know." Ron looked at him questioningly and asked, "What do you mean?" Hermione turned and her mind seemed back to the present as she saw how your face changed drastically. 

You lifted your eyes to look at Harry and gave him a half smile. "It's okay. I knew it had to come out sometime," you said, fidgeting with your fingers. 

Hermione walked towards you and asked sensitively, "Is there something that Ron and I don't know?"

You shrugged and tried to ease the thick tension. "Its something that I never thought will come up but since we are at the topic, why not? It's not like its some sort of dark backstory that only Harry was able to get out of me," you said. This brought a little smile on Ron's face until he realized what you said. 

"What do you mean by 'dark backstory?'" Ron asked, struggling to keep his confused expression to himself. 

"Right, Ron, as if the two words didn't explain themselves. Well, it is what it is. Something so rooted inside of me that I didn't know I still remembered it. Way to go, Harry," you said. 

Harry cringed and said, "I'm sorry. I thought you told them too. You don't have to tell them-"

"It's only fair, I don't like to exclude things from my best friends. Okay, wow, two Storytimes in a night. You guys are lucky," you joked, smiling at your own comment. You let out an exhale and explained, "I was living in my house, well a cabin I suppose, in London with my mom and dad. I was seven, by the way, and that night, my dad left the house. My mom was devastated and so was I. He never came back. My mom got horribly worried and she left me that same night. I had to stay at the house by myself which is not always as fun as people think. Anyways, I never knew about my parents anymore and I am starting to think that they didn't care about me at all. But, I got sent to an orphanage when I was younger and that wasn't so well either. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I don't know if my parents are Muggles, one of them has magical abilities or if both are wizards. The latter one I doubt so much. And that's that. So, to answer your question, no one needs to know where I am because I have no one to tell." 

The end of your story had everyone looking at the ground bitterly. The tent was silent and none of you uttered a sound. You played with your fingers to keep you occupied and you noticed the relief in your chest as you told them about your deepest secrets. You weren't even expecting to tell anyone other than Harry. It won't get better but it was going to get easier. Well, that's what they say about talking to someone about it. You regained your composure and glanced at them again. "Oh, come on guys. I'm okay and I didn't tell you so that you all can pity me. We all have horrible circumstances that led us to this moment and in this moment, I want to give you all a hug," you said, standing up slowly, groaning as your legs started to hurt. You winced because you used a little bit too much force on your arms but this made your friends stand near you. 

You raised your arms and before the four of you hugged, you warned, "Be careful with my face because it might hurt since my bruises and scars are still there." They nodded and right next to you was Hermione and Ron. Your left arm rested on Hermione's curly hair and your right arm rested on Ron's broad shoulders. The four of you butted heads and you laughed. The three of them did too and you raised your head a little bit. Harry did the same thing and you locked eyes with his beautiful blue ones. It felt like time stopped as he didn't break eye contact with you but he got a little grin on his face, exposing his little dimple when he smiled. You grinned and looked at the ground because you were embarrassed at his fond stare. He did the same and your stomach hurt as you saw a little color spread across his face.   

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