Chapter 25

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"Harry?" You asked, not believing your eyes.

He ran towards you, a happy look on his face. He wrapped you in a hug, not noticing your wincing of pains, or not wanting to hear them. He was relieved to see you, he thought something happened to you. 

"Nice to see you too, mate," Ron blurted out, a little sarcastically. 

You chuckled, leaving Harry's warm hug for him to hug your other friends. 

He hugged Ron, both of them with warm smiles on their faces. They released from each other's hug, and Harry hugged Hermione. She smiled onto his chest, knowing that he was okay made her feel better. 

You were shaking a little bit, still receiving the symptoms of the blow. "I can't believe you are okay, Harry," you whispered, a piercing pain hurting your side but absolutely ecstatic to see him. 

He furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes searching over your blood stained shirt. His eyes widened. "What happened?"

"She saved Fred from being killed," Ron said appraisingly, smiling broadly at you.  

"You what?" Harry asked, his voice cracking and surveying your dried blood all over your upper body. 

"It's nothing, really-"

"What do you mean its nothing? You saved my brother's life! Almost saved my mum's as well," Ron continued, as if Harry was asking Ron the question. 

You blushed, embarrassed at the praise and under the gaze of Harry. He was holding your arm delicately, as if he was holding such a small and fragile flower. You stared at his glowing face, and all of your worries seemed to leave you with each long exhale. 

"Harry," Hermione said cautiously, as if speaking to a dangerous animal, "where were you? What did you see exactly?"

A dark shadow surpassed Harry's glow on his face, making it look like it was covered in ashes. He cleared his throat and looked up at the three of you, his blue eyes twinkling darkly. "Snape... He was killed." 

"What?" The three of you gasped. 

Harry nodded in the response and continued, without taking his eyes off the floor, "He told me about his backstory, I guess. He loved my mother, and he did all of this for her. He protected me-us, from Voldemort's grasp because he owed it to my mother. Voldemort kept on telling Snape that he was the owner of the Elder wand-" 

"The Deathly Hallows," Hermione explained, as if the rest of you didn't know where the wand came from. 

Harry nodded and continued, "So, he killed him. Well, not physically, the snake killed Snape." 

There was a weird silence from the four of you, just staring at each other in a rough state. 

"Snape was trying to save us?" You asked disbelieving it. "He couldn't have been, he hated our guts." 

"Maybe he still did, but for Harry's mum, he changed...?" Ron said, having a hard time grasping the information. 

"We don't have time for this, Harry, we have to tell you something," Hermione said, you and Ron tensed in fear. Hermione gulped, looking at Harry's scared face and resumed, "Harry, this isn't easy news to tell you, but... but, um, someone was killed." 

Harry's face turned pale, and he searched the expressions on your face for a clue. He looked at your hand that was holding the best friend of his godfather's wand. When he saw the wand, he erupted in tears. So did the rest of you. It was a horrible tragedy and you felt horrible whenever you heard Harry's muffled sobs. Harry clung into your arms, and sobbed onto your shoulder. A couple of seconds later, Harry's sobs weren't heard anymore. 

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