Chapter 30

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Me? A bloody horcrux?!  You thought as you got up from the shadows. You were shaking all over and by this time, Bellatrix fled out of the castle. Probably to tell Voldemort what she just discovered. You ran towards your father who was spread on the floor, his face pale, his forehead cold under your trembling fingertips. You took your wand out of your sleeve and tried to think of a spell that could work. But, your mind was foggy, making it absolutely hard to even hear what was going around you. 

"Rennervate!" You casted, pointing your wand directly at him when you remembered the spell. 

He stirred slowly, his eyelashes fluttering crazily. A splash of color was starting to spread throughout his face as his eyes shot open. He looked around in alarm and started to back up from you in horror. 

"It's okay, its only me," you soothed, trying to give him space to recover. 

He started to erupt in tears at the sight of you, crying onto his hands and not looking up until you placed a soft hand on his arm. "I did a horrible thing, Y/n, I'm... I'm so sorry," he cried, trying to steady his hiccups as he was practically having a nervous fit. 

"I know now, I was hiding because I wanted to apologize," you blurted before you could realize what you said. 

He stopped his crying and stared at you through his bloodshot eyes. He shook his head and replied, "No, don't apologize. You were right all along, I shouldn't have meddled in with your life. I should've left and never brought you in all of this mess." 

You shook your head, part of you wanted to cry in horror because you knew you would have to tell Harry. You didn't know what this meant at all but if you were going to die tonight, it was better to settle the relationship with your father. "I loathed you for such a long time. I never experienced a feeling of comfort until I came at Hogwarts. It was something so incredibly different than the home. People here actually smiled and I was able to make friends. These years I have spent at Hogwarts, meeting incredible people, made me figure out myself. I know that you did the thing you believed was the best, even if you had poor judgement, I was glad I could see this part of you."

You cleared your throat, feeling an overwhelming wave of emotions seeing him like that. "You had people look after me all the time and I never understood it until now. I kind of wished you were there because frankly, I don't remember much of my childhood when I was with you and mom. I just know that I was pretty happy considering how I haven't turned out that bad. I never could understand why I had to go through all of that but it built character, I guess." 

You smiled feebly and he chuckled softly. 

You continued, "I learned so many lessons from my friends and the time I had spent here."

 You looked around at the castle feeling a couple of tears going down your face. The castle you once considered as home was utterly destroyed. The walls were crashed on the ground, the people in the paintings had gone. The beautiful structure that you always admired of the castle looked like it had gone through horrible things. 

"Remus taught me to not judge people by who they are but by their heart. Sirius taught me to always stick up for what I believe in and that friendship is the most beautiful thing in life. Ron taught me to treat your friends like family, I always felt like he was a brother to me. I adore him so much. The twins, George and Fred, taught me that life needs laughter and to keep on chasing your dreams."

You were smiling tearfully as moments with all of them played through your mind. The time you would study with Ron, Hermione and Harry in Lupin's class because it was the best DADA class anyone had ever had. Or when you, Hermione, Ron and Harry would chase after Sirius to see who could catch him first. Or when the four off you helped him escape the dementor's kiss and Buckbeak. When you would talk with Ron about Snape and helped him know he was always worthy of everything. You had a similar sense of humor as Ron, always being sassy with him was funny. You chuckled as you remembered the awesome times you had with twins. They would always pull pranks on your, which sometimes it could be annoying but it was hysterical when Ron, Hermione or Harry were their targets. 

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