Chapter 14

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"What do you mean announce our arrival, Hermione?" You asked, collecting your things from the bed you were kept on for a week. You struggled to hide your concern but it was no use. 

Hermione replied, "Well, we aren't hiding anymore and it is only fair to let some of the people that care about us know we are here." 

Harry nodded. He walked over to pick up his belongings, while you stood there, with the wheels in your mind turning. You opened your bag and tried to find your wand until you realized that it wasn't there anymore. "Guys, I don't have my wand," you stated, fearing what it could mean to you. 

Hermione glanced at you. "Are you sure?" She asked, her voice petrified in fear. "Try searching for it again." 

You nodded and showed them your bag with no wand in it. "What do I do? I can't possibly be without a wand while we are here," you explained, trying to think of something you can do. You searched your bag one more time but it was no use, your wand wasn't there. You set the bag down on the bed, sighing, you sat on it. 

"We would have to figure that out later," Ron stated, putting his own bag over his shoulder. He cleared his throat and he wiped his hands over his dirty shirt. 

Hermione agreed. "I'm sorry, y/n, but we can't go back. You are not to leave either my, Ron's or Harry's side, at all. We are going to have to protect you, whether you like it or not," she stated firmly, putting her bags over her shoulders. 

You shrugged your shoulders as you couldn't find anything to counter her claim. "Alright, what should we do first?" You asked, getting up from the bed in a start. 

"I have an idea, let's find some uniforms. It would make us blend in with the other students. We would attend the Great Hall. We would let everyone know we are there. I just have something to say," Harry explained as he turned towards you. "If Volde- I know you told me not to say it, but that's the only way I can call him. If Voldemort knows I am here, he can possibly come for me at any moment. I'm sorry if this isn't what anyone one of you want but it is inevitable." 

You nodded and put your hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Harry. We know. We are here with you until the end, nothing is ever going to change that. Besides, I believe we are prepared for this. I mean we spent months in the bloody wild, I'm pretty sure we got this," you said, uplifting everyone for what it is to come. 

Ron chuckled and said, "Yeah, we got this. Let's look for some robes, I would like a new pair of clothing again." 

Hermione smiled and everyone dispersed to find robes in the drawers in the Hospital Wing. You headed towards a closet at the far end of the wing. You opened it and there they were. Several uniforms and robes hanged up from inside. "Guys, there's some robes over here," you stated, raising your voice for them to here you. They saw the robes from the closet and jogged their way towards you. Everyone's hands were in the closet, trying to get a hold of a pair of a uniform.

"Alright," Harry said quietly, putting his shirt over his back. "We should go to the Great Hall now." He stretched the shirt in front of him. His shirt was a perfect fit.

"Harry, I haven't finished putting on my uniform," Ron said, struggling to put the shirt over his head. It was too small for him. 

Hermione was done putting on her uniform, shirt and robes done, and walked over to help him. She tugged on the shirt, making Ron complain with sounds. Hermione tugged harder and soon enough his shirt fit him snugly. "There, Ron, all settled," she said, not hiding her grin. 

"This fits me so tight," Ron remarked, his shirt stretching over his chest and barely making it over his shoulders. 

"I think it looks great, Ron. Really marks out your er, arms," Harry observed, dodging Ron's playful hand throw. 

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