Chapter 28

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Bellatrix was at the tip point of her fury, she raised her foot from your stomach, you let out a sigh of relief. Bellatrix walked over your body, making your father step back a couple of feet. Once they were on the right side of you, you rolled to your left and placed your hands on the floor to get up. But, you let out a howl of pain. Your left hand was piercing in agony. You looked down on it. Blood was smeared all over the back of your hand. You winced as you started to wipe the blood off, but as you did so, your fingers traced over lines on your hand. 

You noticed the blood was coming off, and before it could flow out again, you saw scars that were etched over the back of your hand. With Bellatrix's awful handwriting, you could still make out what was written on your hand. The word "LIAR" was layered on top of the irritated skin. The L was slashed from your ring finger and slanting sideways. The I probably hurt the most because it was just a single slash. Then, the A was from your index finger towards the line of your wrist. Then the R was on your thumb, going to the end of your hand. 

You cringed at the word but you decided that it wouldn't matter in the end. You got up now, using your other hand and wobbly knees to get up. Your father and Bellatrix were staring at each other so profoundly, it made it look like they were two tigers fighting for their food. Their eyes were glaring at each other, their hands over their wands ready for a duel. You stood back, not knowing where Lupin's wand went. So, you stayed there, hoping that nothing was going to happen to your father. 

You had mixed feelings about him. This is going to be the second time he saved your life. But, that doesn't mean that he is going to be forgiven. But, now, that line between forgiving and hatred was very thin. You looked worriedly at him. What's going to happen next, you don't know. 

"You ruined my opportunity," Bellatrix said lightly, "to murder your child." 

"I ruined nothing," your father spat back. "Leave, Bellatrix or-"

"OR WHAT?" Bellatrix roared, staring at your father's brown eyes. "What are you going to do? Kill me?" She started to laugh at your father's surprised face. Your father stayed silent until he cleared his throat. 

"If my daughter, or anyone really, is at risk while you are alive," your father responded, his face relaxed but his eyes alarmed, "then yes, I will have to kill you." 

Bellatrix showed surprise to his response, her eyebrows raised slightly while her shoulders were tensed. "Well, we'll see who gets to make the last word." 

"Don't do this," you spoke. You even shocked yourself at these words. You were looking at your father, watching his wrinkled face and his graying hair. He was old, whether it was for age or of worry you didn't know. Him fighting in that feeble state hit you in the wrong way. 

He smiled slightly and said, "Y/n, you were right, I shouldn't have left you and my wife. Because of me, your mother died. Now, I won't make that mistake of leaving you again." 

Bellatrix started to laugh. "Aww, daddy is remorseful," she said in a singy-songy tone. "The Dark Lord trusted you!" 

"No he didn't!" Your father yelled. "He sent me to take care of the people in Azkaban because he wanted to kill me! He cut all contact from me with my child. He killed my wife in front of me! He always made me suffer and he never wanted me to know anything." 

"You're wrong!" Bellatrix yelled. "He didn't want you going out and about because he knew that your daughter has gotten into Hogwarts. We used you as a form to get to Potter. Ever since Sirius Black escaped, we finally found out about your daughter and her close relationship with Potter. I had a quick word with Black, I did, yes, too bad that I had to kill him." 

"How DARE you talk about Sirius' murder in front of me!" Your father yelled, his voice strained. 

Bellatrix looked like she was slapped in the face. "You knew Sirius Black?" She asked, a smile plastered on her face now. She liked how your father was breaking in front of her. 

You felt cold sparks trickle its way down your spine, like cold water was being thrown on the back of you. You remember what your father said about how Sirius Black still held communication with him. So did Remus. For almost seven years, your father had a long friendship with Black and you even felt a father-daughter relationship with both Sirius and Remus. Knowing that they were both dead, you didn't want your father to suffer the same fate as them. 

"I did," he responded, "He was my friend and continues to be my friend. And I know that if he was still here, he would help me kill you." 

Bellatrix started to laugh even harder. "What? The family dog?" 

Your father stepped forward almost ready to charge. 

You hated Bellatrix with everything in you. She killed Sirius. Not only was he like a father to you, he was the closest thing Harry had as a relative. He was also Remus' best friend and your father's friend. Bellatrix tortured Neville's parents and you couldn't deal with knowing how much Neville had to be put through. You knew that if his parents were able to understand everything, they would be immensely proud of Neville. 

You hated that he will never have the chance to hear that. 

"Y/n, I am asking you to go," your father said through gritted teeth. He was glaring at Bellatrix again. "Go find your friends and help them." 

"No, I'm staying here," you responded, you hid your tortured hand because if your father saw it, he would lose his sh!t.  

"Y/n, go now. I don't want you to get hurt," your father said in a softer tone. 

"Let her stay," Bellatrix suggested, her smile cunningly. "She needs to know the consequences of her own actions. Besides, its not like she hasn't seen death before." 

You fumed until your friends appeared right next to you. George and Fred were looking at you desperately. You didn't even have to ask how they got here instead you asked, "What are you guys doing here?" 

George pulled you away from Bellatrix and your father. He looked at your father a second time, a confused expression on his face. (Bellatrix and your father were still glaring at each other.) "Y/n, we have to go." 

"Go? Where?" 

"We think that Harry is fighting Voldemort right now," Fred urged, staring at your father with the same confused expression as George. 

"He's whAT?" You asked loudly. 

They both nodded. 

"But, my dad-" 

"Y/n, go. Harry is in trouble," your dad commented. 

You felt horrible but you nodded stiffly. Harry was in huge danger, but your father was in front of you. He looked kindly at you, his wrinkled face leaning onto a soft smile. George grabbed your hand while Fred grabbed the injured one. You shrieked in pain and they all saw your scar. 

"Y/n? What-" Fred started to say until he looked at Bellatrix, like if he just realized she was standing a couple of feet in front of him. His neck became as red as his hair, his eyebrows furrowed impressively. He almost lunged at Bellatrix if it hadn't been for you grabbing his arm before it was too late. 

"Let's go, Harry needs our help," you begged, hoping to avoid George's death stare to Bellatrix. 

Your father noticed by now and he seemed to have erupted in flames. His short gray hair was spiked up in different directions. His eyes were widened, making his dark eyes a speck in the pool of white. His frown was a lot more prominent. He was breathing heavily. You took this as an opportunity to leave with the twins.  

"You don't have to do this, dad," you said with a soft tone. 

He nodded stiffly and said, "I promised your mother when I married her that I will always be there for our children. Since, I couldn't be there for a long time, I am not making that mistake again. Now go, Harry needs you." 

You nodded and whispered, "Goodbye," before leaving with the twins out of the Great Hall again.     

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