CH. 8

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"Taehyung! We got some lead where Jung—" Jimin stops in midway of talking when he saw Jungkook.

"J—Jungkook!" Jimin said and hugged the younger. Though it was a very short time when Jimin and Jungkook met, he treats the younger as if his youmger brother especially his fiancée is also very fond of Jungkook's adorableness.

"Are you alright? How about your baby?" Jimin asked worried, Jungkook was a little bit taken a back when Jimin knows about his pregnancy he looked at Taehyung. "Oh— wait I should tell it to others." Jimin was about to leave when Jungkook grab his hand. "I'll come hyung. I need to apologize to everyone." He said and followed Jimin.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, the younger is really stubborn. But he was somehow feeling glad that Jungkook came back fine. He followed them— and he saw how Hoseok quickly hugged him.

"Jungkook! Oh Lord! Thank you! Thank you for coming back." Hoseok said and hugged Jungkook and pats the younger back.

When Hoseok break the hug— "I'm sorry for leaving you all— without any explanation." Jungkook said and lowered his head feeling embarrassed of what he did to everyone.

"No— it's okay— I mean just don't do it again. We accept you, also the small miracle inside you. Well we heard about it to Taehyung. Let's just do our best to raise the baby inside you." Hoseok said smiling.

"Everyone! Jungkook's parents is — oh— shit! Kook!" Namjoon said, well he left earlier to go check the police station for an update. But he was glad that Kook is here, he then hugged Jungkook— well Jungkook started crying.

"Why?" Jeongyeon asked panicking.

"I'm so happy that you are all glad to have me here and I am back though I was rude with my decision." He said between his sobs— and the urge at Taehyung— he wants to hug him so he can make the younger stop crying.

"But partly I am scared because of my parents." Jungkook said and lowered his head.

"Don't stress yourself take some rest today we will meet mr. Jeon and mrs. Jeon they called me awhile ago. They wanted to see you but I end up lying that you were having your exam today and tomorrow so they decided to just talk to me and Hoseok for the announcement party for you." Namjoon said.

Jungkook does not know how he will thank Hoseok and Namjoon for being such a nice hyung to him as soon as his feet steps in LA. He was glad that the end up being the partner butler that was assigned to him. Jimin and Jeongyeon left cause Jeongyeon need to attend university. While Taehyung he went back to his apartment.

Jungkook was able to take some nice sleep that day. He was able to take some rest after the two days of stayinv away with his friends... well that time made him feel so cold. But now— he felt so warm. He took of his shirt— he looked at the mirror—  he can't believe that he is carrying a miracle inside him. He was hoping that he can receive the acceptance he needs and he promised to himself he'll be giving the love that his baby deserves.

He heard a loud knock— he quickly wear his shirt and opened the door. Hoseok and Namjoon were not around they left early because of an urgent call from his parents. "Taehyung!" He called surprised with fact that Taehyung was half naked his lower part was being covered by a white towel he even have a shampoo on his head.

"I need to use your bathroom mine is broken! The heater is broken— ah— my eyes— shit!" Taehyung said and softly moved Jungkook on the way and run to Jungkook's bathroom. Isn't yesterday he was so awkward? What happened? Jungkook ask himself confused.

"Jeon! Can you go get my shirt in my apartment also close the door for me." He heard Taehyung because the boy was screaming. He facepalmed somehow he was glad that they weren't awkward, he followed Taehyung's favor then came surprise when his parents are at the front of his apartment.

"Mom— dad—" Jungkook said sounding so nervous.

His parents hugged him. Jungkook hugged them back  feeling nervous and awkward with the sudden visit of his parents he opened the door.

"What are you doing here?! Mom!" He intended to maximize his voice and emphasized the word mom hoping Taehyung will hear him. His mother looked at her, throwing a look of— manners Jeon Jungkook.

"Is it bad to visit you our only son?" His dad was the one who answered, Jungkook handed a cup of tea to his parents. He sits on the sofa across his parents.

"We are glad that you are doing well here, you listened to mom very well." Mrs. Jeon muttered and softly caress Jungkook cheeks. "I'm proud of you for always listening to us." Jungkook smiled bitterly hearing his mother's words.

"You haven't done anything stupid here to cause a dirt to our name." His father added smiling proudly, Jungkook avoided staring or looking at those smiles.

"Well, we visited you here because we reserved an arrange marriage for you." His mother started and put down the cup of tea at the center table. Jungkook didn't answer and watches his mother pushing an invitation letter for the reserved dinner date.

"I— I can't go." Jungkook muttered stuttering. "Y—you can't arrange marriage me." He added feeling nervous.

"Kookie? Son. What did mother told you?" Mrs. Jeon asked. Jungkook didn't answer—

"Mothers knows what is best for you— your parents knows best for —" mrs. Jeon's words were cut when a man pulled Jungkook's arms.

"No. He knows what is best." Jungkook looked at Taehyung— so the older looked back. He can see that Jungkook was at the binge of crying but he look so surprised right now.

"Who the hell is this man?!" His father yelled. Jungkook looked at his father who was in anger—

"Me? My name is Kim Taehyung, Jungkook's fiancée." Taehyung answered.

All of them inside Jungkook's apartment were surprised of Taehyung's words— well even him. He was surprised of what he have just said— why the hell he was meddling, Jungkook's life.


Fuuu!!! I updated sooo late again— like it's been a year xD lols. I want to finish all of my on going books before dropping some of my new ideas. Dunt want to keep you all waiting T^T
Thanks for the love ~ wuv u all uwu!!!
Anygays are you enjoying this? Well I am—
I am trying to focus this story on how to build oneself — I hope the book actually convey it— huhuhu T^T

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