CH. 25

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They are now at Daegu, Jungkook was busily fixing their son's room. While Taehyung he was in his office room having a virtual meeting. Well they decided to give him a room so he can fix his things like clothes and toys that their parents gave to their soon-to-be baby.

Taehyung went inside the room after his meeting— he found a Jungkook sleeping at the soft carpet. So Taehyung didn't waste a time to carry his fiancée at their shared room. He put Jungkook on the bed softly and carefully making sure he won't disturb the younger from his beauty nap— he was about to leave when Jungkook held his hand. "Stay hyungie." Jungkook muttered while his eyes were shut close but in his pouty lips whenever he asked Taehyung a favor and of course who is Kim Taehyung to say no to this Jeon Jungkook? So he layed next to the younger which Jungkook automatically snakes his around Taehyung's body so he can get enough of his boyfriend's smell.

Taehyung stayed there for awhile and he just found his self falling asleep too.

"Look at them— this two are so cute!" Bambam exclaims in excitement.

"You haven't answer my question why you have the spare key to the house?" Yugyeom asked as they left the couple's room— well how did that happened? Mrs. Kim was the one who choose this house for the two— and mrs. Kim gave the spare key to Bambam so they can left her presents for snowball. "Also we are literally invading their privacy just now!" Yugyeom exclaimed dramatically.

"Shhh— I know. But they are so cute we can use this for their prenup photos soon too! Like think of this way— we are sneaking here so we can get some raw TaeKook moments. What I mean about raw is pure okay not in the other way—" Bambam exclaimed as he put the box of clothes at Snowball's room.

"Now let's leave." Bambam said.

"Imma leave a text to Kookie that we dropped some clothes and that's it job is done for today!" Bambam said winking at Yugyeom— and that made Yugyeom blushed. He just hate his best friend when he is so much confident— he rolled his eyes— Bambam intertwined their hands. "Don't get jealous mama kim see me as the best son-in-law too that's why I am the only one who knows about this plan." Bambam said and kissed Yugyeom's cheeks. Yugyeom just smiled at his boyfriend slash best friend's behavior.

"I should get the best gift in the world because I'm the best friend." Jimin said while they were inside the Hyundai's shop.

"So you think a new born baby need a brand new car?" Jeongyeon asked he wants to knocked Jimin's head right now.

"Oh he doesn't— maybe an airplane?" Jimin asked innocently to his soon-to-be wife.

"I— Chim— I don't want to call you this but you are pabo. Jiminie-pabo." Jeongyeon said and made a facepalm, Jimin gasped in surprise—

"Let's go check some baby toys instead." Jeongyeon suggested Jimin looked at Jeongyeon. "I'm going to buy the most expensive!" He said then left the hyundai shop to go to the mall.

Hoseok and Namjoon are now back in Seoul and the first thing they did was to look for an apartment to stay— then went to the mall— to find some gifts for Taehyung and Jungkook's baby.

"I can't believe we are really going to stay here for good." Hoseok commented happily while choosing some cute stuffed toys.

"Me too." Namjoon commented. "You can actually pursue your dancing career again." He added. Hoseok looked at him— "and you can start producing songs again." He said smiling at his boyfriend.

Months passes by ~ it was Jungkook's due date now. He's been walking around the hallway of hospital. He was getting prepared — "Kook— baby. God— can't I just take that pain of yours?" Taehyung asked.

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