CH. 16

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After Jungkook's prelim exam, they went back in Seoul. But things between aren't okay— well they both don't know when did it start it but they just avoid each other's gazes and accompany— they talk to each other but they limit their words as if they don't want to talk to each other.

"Do you have check ups today?" Taehyung asked, well he was lowkey asking if he can go with him.

"Yeah." Jungkook answered shortly. "You can go to work now. Bye." Jungkook said and left Taehyung in the living room.

"Tell me kook. Why the hell you're avoiding Taehyung hyung?" Bambam asked as he himself saw the way Jungkook ended the convo. Well he was here because, he delivered some dried mangos for Jungkook.

"No, I don't." Jungkook answered quickly.

"You are." Bambam answered back.

"It is the right thing." Jungkook answered shortly.

"How come you know it was the right thing?" Bambam asked.

"H—he started avoiding me first." Jungkook answered. "And I guess he realized something." Jungkook added.

"And what's that?" Bambam asked.

"We can't be a normal— we both know he likes his best friend. Like so much!" Jungkook answered annoyed and left Bambam at the kitchen.

"Leave the dried mangoes there and you can leave me alone for awhile please." Jungkook said before he went upstairs to change clothes for his monthly check up.

Jungkook sighed in stress— how could I vent out my irritation to my best friend. He thought for a second after realizing how rude he was—

"Well he just started avoiding me, so I avoided him too to give him space." Taehyung explained to Yugyeom.

"I swear hyung. If you hurt Jungkook I might forget that you were my brother." Yugyeom said.

Well Yugyeom was here to know what was happening to the two. He noticed how Jungkook avoided him and of course he already heard it to Bambam this morning.

"I've read that pregnant hoomans should be given some space if they become so moody that's why I'm giving him— but I don't know why this was taking so long." Taehyung said as he was thinking so deeply.

"Today was his monthly check up, why don't you come along with him then talk to him." Yugyeom suggested.


"Yeah, conversation, speak, like talk to him ask him why he was avoiding you. You can't fix a problem if you will just avoid each other." Yugyeom said.

"Ohh— I— what if he will get offended by me going there? Like he wasn't in the —"

"Hyung I swear if you didn't leave I'll trend it to twitter with a hashtag of taekook LQ episode 1." Yugyeom said unlocking his phone.

"Stop! Okay. I'll call him first." Taehyung said, but then he suddenly realized that Yugyeom has a point. He should've not join Jungkook's moody attitude, he was pregnant unlike him— well he would admit that he had plans of avoiding Jungkook but decided not to do it.

Jungkook sighed. He was waiting for his turn— well he was at the hospital now. Waiting for his name to be called.

He texted Bambam apologizing with his attitude this morning. He sometimes find his mood swing annoying especially when he knows that he somehow offend his friends.

From: DabdabBam

Hey koo. It's okay I understand.

But yea— a piece of advice.

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