CH. 21

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"I'm sorry." Taehyung said and hugged Jungkook.

"It's okay hyung, I understand." Jungkook answered.

What was happening? They are breaking up— okay joke! Well today was his 5th month check up— this was special because they will know their baby's gender. But unfortunately Taehyung can't come because he had an urgent meeting and important investor... so here they are hugging each other.

"You should leave now hyung, you'll be late." Jungkook said pouting, Taehyung break the hug and kissed Jungkook's lips.

"Love you." Taehyung said smiling lips still connected then break it with a smooch sound. "Love you too." Jungkook answered then smiled. Taehyung was not breaking the gazes between them... Jungkook was now confused what his boyfriend need... "did you left something?" Jungkook asked... then Taehyung pout asking for a kiss— Jungkook chuckled and kissed the older... and that made Taehyung leave...

"Well Taehyung hyung send us here to assist you... also we are the one who will get the result not you." Yugyeom said...

"Do you have like a guess what was your baby gender?" Bambam asked, Jungkook smiled— "hmm... but I want a girl... so I can dress her up. But boy would be cool too— hmm... I think I'm just really excited whether a boy or a girl." Jungkook answered smiling widely.

"As long as snow was doing great." Jungkook added.

They made Jungkook wear a pink fluffy sweater, while they were waiting for the result they told him that they'll eat in a restaurant that Taehyung reserved for them

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They made Jungkook wear a pink fluffy sweater, while they were waiting for the result they told him that they'll eat in a restaurant that Taehyung reserved for them. He doesn't have an idea that they'll be having a gender reveal party... this idea was all Jeongyeon and Jimin's idea.

"Wear this blind fold." Jimin said and handed it to Jungkook.

"Ah— why? What about the results?" Jungkook asked.

"We will know it later." Jimin said winking at him.

"I thought Taehyung hyung is out for some client meeting today." Jungkook asked.

"ohh well you know your boyfie-- he is full of surprises." Jeongyeon said.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they told him that he can't remove his blindfold unless they told them. They made Jungkook seat on the chair where there was written "mom to be"

Taehyung almost jumped and hugged his Jungkook but he tried his best no to do it especially the visitors are not yet complete.

"You can remove it now." Jimin said... Jungkook slowly removed it he tried to adjust his eyes with the light but everything was dark.

"You are actually teasing me." He muttered and they can hear he was pouty and all and Taehyung can't stop himself but simp on how cute he sounded.

The lights were now turn on, "SURPRISE!" they all said in chorus.

Jungkook looked at all of them-- he was happy but he started crying feeling the too much overwhelm that there are many person that loves him... and believes in him. Taehyung automatically hugged him... "Thank you hyungie." Jungkook said between his sobs.

"No thank you-- because you didn't give up on our baby... and you taught me how to love someone again..." Taehyung said and kissed Jungkook's forehead. Taehyung break the hug so he can wipe his Koo's tears.

"Did you like it?" Taehyung asked. "Yes... so much!" Jungkook said.

"I deserve a plus points and reward for this brilliant idea of mine right?" Taehyung asked wiggling his eyebrows to the younger. Jungkook chuckled and kissed the older's cheeks and mouthed a thank you again.

"Before any of this go to something further we should start the event." Jimin interrupted them.

"Let's ask Jungkook what gender he was thinking."

"For me... I'm fine whatever the gender is. But I'll vote for girl... since I love seeing light colors." Jungkook said.

"Oh for me... I feel like our baby is a twin." Taehyung said.

"Tae you do know that your baby has one heartbeat on his last check up." Jimin said makimg his hope down.

"Oh yea— I'll vote for the boy, because Jungkook likes my smell the most." Taehyung answered...

They asked to pull the tag of the cake... they've been pulling it for a long time now— "stop!" Jimin said. "The last color would be the gender of your baby." Jimin said excitedly. Jungkook then slowly pulled it— "IT'S A BOY!" That was what written on it.

Taehyung then hugged Jungkook. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Taehyung said then break the hug and started kneeling down—

"Aye hyung— what are you doing?" Jungkook asked as he wiped his tears.

"I know the start of our relationship is me being a jerk to you— But I want us to be official— I want to ask your hand while everyone here as our witness..." Taehyung said and get a small box inside his pocket.

"Jeon Jungkook... Will you marry me?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook again started crying. "Yes." He said and nodded his head while crying. Taehyung carefully put the ring on Jungkook's hand.

"I love so you so much!" Taehyung said and hugged Jungkook.

"I love you more Tae." Jungkook answered. "You made me the happiest person..." he added.

Later that night ~

They got home late Jungkook fell asleep so Taehyung carried him in their shared room. Jungkook pinkish red cheeks are so puffy right now... maybe because of crying. He kissed Jungkook cheeks then his baby bump... and muttered a good night.

Because the reality is... he need to take a bath and continue working... since he left early in the office and there are still some paper works that only him can do it.


Hello guyss!
I am back!
I am trying to update hehehe.
Even if it is so late 🥲
I am sorry if I became inactive T^T
As much as I want to update more... my work schedules is not that good 🤧 but yeah I took a long leave that's why I was able to finish a book the (Devil V) and was able to update this one too.

Requited Love is coming to an end too hehehehe just wanna tell you all... may 2 more chapters? Or 3? But yea at least I am trying my best to finish all of them despite of what was happening to me and with my work schedules hehehe

Anygayssss THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALWAYS WAITING!!! it really means a lot to me 🥲🥲🥲
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