CH. 18

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4th Months,

Today is Jungkook's 4th month check up, that Taehyung has been waiting.

"I never thought that waiting for your monthly check-ups feels like centuries." Taehyung said dramatically, then kissed Jungkook's baby bump then Jungkook's forehead.

"Hyung you are so dramatic." Jungkook said.

"Baby, I've been dying to ask your doctor if we can do it— google told me we can— but you have trust issues—" Jungkook throw a pillow right to Taehyung's face, because of his words were too direct —

"Ah— hyung. Hmm... I'm going to cook dinner for us later tonight— I mean if you are not busy you can go home and let's have dinner date? Yeah— it's a date here at the house—" Taehyung then softly pulled Jungkook to lock their lips— it was just a peck.

"It's either you will cook for dinner or you are my dinner?" Taehyung asked smirking— Jungkook then playfully pushed Taehyung away from him. And of course Taehyung loves it so much whenever Jungkook was being so shy because he got teased.

"Okay Jungkook, you are on your second trimester now, the baby is healthy. But let me still remind you— don't stress yourself too much." The doctor said.

"On your next check up you can know the gender of the baby." The doctor said and handed him the baby book. "Do you still—"

"Been waiting for that doctor." Taehyung said. "Well is it okay to like have a loving time?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, mr. Kim. As long as you be careful not to go on hard with Jungkook it won't harm the baby." The doctor explains, Jungkook on the other hand was blushing so hard. Jungkook looked at Taehyung telling him to stop but the older just winked at him.

They were eating their lunch Jungkook was just staring the food. Taehyung then held his hand—

"Are you alright? What happened?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh— yeah... I am." Jungkook answered,

"Yeah... I think I got tired." Jungkook answered shortly.

"Okay, I'll drive you back home and I need to do something in the office." Taehyung said and cut a piece of beef then put it on Jungkook's plate. He smiled at him... and Jungkook smiled back.

Jungkook just got home, he was in his room staring at the white ceiling... thinking about his parents, about Taehyung and Jimin, also Jeongyeon... he also read something on twitter— there are some rumors that Jimin and Jeongyeon's engagement was canceled... also Taehyung being the reason why it wasn't happening other than that... the media was now spreading some news that he was pregnant... and the father was Taehyung. Well him being silent on their lunch awhile ago was all because this thoughts were running inside his brain...

He suddenly feel like he was the reason why all of this was happening...

"You know that being the only son of Jeon, you'll only bring honor to this family." His father said while they were eating their dinner.

"Jungkook knows it hon, he listens to us very well." His mother said as she pats Jungkook's head.

Everything about Jungkook was planned— planned by his parents... he sometimes get tired of them telling what is wrong and right, and what he should do and and he shouldn't do— once he disobeyed them they would end up being in a big argument and still— his parents will win and decide...

He misses his mom and dad even if they never treat him well, even if they didn't give him sometime to watch him— while he was growing, he wants to tell his parents how he really feels all through out this year— like he's been keeping it for years now... he wants to apologize for not being the son that they wanted to be... but he also want to tell them what man he wants to be...

He didn't notice that he was crying already, he wiped his tears— "you might experience mood swings— wherein one moment you are happy and the next thing you know you feel bad and crying." It must be his pregnancy hormones why he suddenly become like this— but he knows— it was part of him.

He decided to do some of his assignments— before cooking for their dinner...

"What is this?" He asked confused noticing a sticky note.

Hey, baby... hmm... I know you don't like this business course of yours— so I'm suggesting some good music and art university.


Jungkook smiled with the initials, he decided to check one of the brochures, and there is a sticky note again.

Hey, hmm... how about you both major it? I mean your voice is paradise and your art speaks too much emotions.

P.s but I'm not pushing you, I'm just suggesting— yeah. It's still up to you baby, know that I'm here for you.

He smiled again... he sometimes wonder how did he change Taehyung's heart— wait did he really change Taehyung's heart? Well they did exchange I love you's — but that never happened again... did Taehyung just muttered it out because of sympathy? Jungkook shakes his head. I should stop stressing myself, snowball will not be happy. He thought then decided to keep the sticky notes that Taehyung left.

Taehyung just finished his urgent meeting and was about to go back home when Jimin called him. He fighting with his thoughts between answering it and not answering the call—

But he remember— Jimin is his best friend... that will never change.

"Jeongyeon broke up with me." That was Jimin's words— Taehyung can hear that he was in pain... and he knows Jimin's needs him right now... his best friend needs him.

"Where are you? Let's talk." Taehyung answered.

"At my house—" Jimin answered.

"Okay, I'm coming." Taehyung said then ended the call.

Jungkook fell asleep at the sofa while reading his baby book— when he woke up it's already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. He started stretching first before going to the kitchen to start cooking for him amd Taehyung's dinner. He checked his phone if Taehyung already texted him— he smiled and decided to call him, but Taehyung was not answering...

"Maybe he was at the meeting." He said to his self, than started cooking a pasta for their dinner also made some toast bread to partner it—

"Should I make some steak too?" He asked his self while pouting, he suddenly felt like snowball moved inside him. "Oh—you want?" Jungkook asked giggling. He smiled then checked their refrigerator if there is still steak— gladly there are some leftover meat steak from last week.

After he finished cooking he went to their shared room to take some bath, then he went out to wait for Taehyung. Usually Taehyung is already home at 6 in the evening but today— it was past 6 in the evening but he was not yet around.

He called Taehyung again to ask what time he was going home but no answer again. He sighed—

"Your dad is still busy..." Jungkook said to snowball, he then decided to design the cups that he bought from last week— he planned to customize it.

Time passes by— but Taehyung was not yet at home. It's already 8 in the evening... "where is Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook asked... he went outside to get some fresh air— did he forgot about our dinner?

He sighed— then walked back inside their house since it started raining...

He looked at dinner table that he set up for their dinner... he sighed.

That night— Jungkook ate dinner alone with a heavy heart in him, he also end up sleeping at the living room carpeted floor while a sad movie was playing on the television.

He fell asleep with the thought and a question of— where is Taehyung hyung?



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