Secrets and Wonders

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I have now been in Australia for 3 weeks and I haven't spoken to Harry, but I have talked to the rest of the boys. Whenever I try and talk to Harry he is out according to the guys. My life has adjusted greatly to living in Australia, I have met Mason who has become my closest friend here. Mason and I met when I was at Starbucks he numbed into me and then we started talking we have become great friends. Mason knows I'm pregnant and the whole story on why I moved here.

I was now sitting on the couch watching some gossip show. While I was watching it I see Harry's picture flash across the screen with him holding some blonde bimbo's hand. I knew I loved him from the moment we left England and I was trying to keep tthese feelings under control. But then I herd the the TV show host say

"What is happening to teen sensation Harry Styles? Latley he has been seen out of control with different girls every night. Did something happen in Harry's personal life that caused him to be like this? Stay tooned to see whats happening to Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

Was I the reason why Harry was acting like this? I pushed this thought into the back of my head and I tried not to think about it. Then I herd a knock at the door and I see Mason standing there.

"Hey Mase!" I say and then hug him tightly.

"Hello are you ready for your doctor's appointment?" I had completely forgot that I had an appointment today. I look down at what I'm wearing and I look somewhat presentable so i decide that I'm ready.

We got into Mason's car and we drove to the hospital. We talked about many things on the ride there. We finally arrived at the hospital and we went inside and wait till my name was called.

"Elizabeth Marie"

We both got up and followed the nurse into the room.

"Elizabeth how are you feeling?" the nurse asked me.

"I am feeling good and I haven't had any morning sickness latley." I say smiling

"Well thats good and since you haven't had any that might mean that we can find out the sex of the child if you are interested."

My eyes go wide with excitment "Yes that would be fantastic."

She smiles and says "Ok I will let the doctor know that you want find out" she exits out of the room. I look over at Mason an see that he loos very happy too.

After waiting a little while the doctor comes into the room. "Good afternoon Elizabeth. How are you today?" he asks.

"I am great today." I say and smile. He tells me to lift up my shirt and I do I am told. He puts the blue gel on my stomach an then puts the monitor on my stomach. I look up at the screen and see my baby.

"I herd that you want to find out the sex of the baby." He says. I nod my head and he then says "Well it looks like you are going to be having a little girl."

I feel tears falling down my face. I'm having a little girl.

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»HARRY STYLES POV.««««««««««««««««««««««««««

I wake up in my hotel room totally hungover from the night before. I walk over to my suitcase and pull on some sweats and a shirt and walk out into our living room in the hotel. I see the lads watching some gossip show. I walk over to the counter and see the bottle of Advil. I pull a pill out of the bottle and grab a glass of water. I swallow the pill and walk back into the living room with my glass of water. I sit down next to Louis and watch the show. I see Lizzie' s picture show up on the screen. She is walking with some guy.I fell a pang of jealousy hit me. The gossip show host says

"Elizabeth Marie was spotted in Sydney, Australia with friend and they both look pretty happy. Is this person more than a friend? Stay tooned to hear more about Harry Styles party life.

I quickly turn off the TV and run to my room searching for my phone. I finally find it, I quickly unlock my phone and look through my contacts. I find Lizzie' s contact and start dialing her number.



"Hello this is Lizzie' s phone and who is calling?" The guy answers the phone. My hands ball up into fists.

"Is Lizzie there its Harry and can you please tell her it's urgent." I say. I hear him yelling for Lizzie. I can hear the phone being handed to her an then I hear her speak "Hello Harry"

"Lizzie I'm so glad to hear you but there is something that I have realised." I say

"And what's that Harry?" she says calmly through the phone.

Before I responded I made sure that I wanted to do this "Lizzie I am in love with you and I have been for a while but I just wouldn't face the facts ." I say and then I hear her breath in deeply.

"Harry I need to tell you something, but I can't say it over the phone. Please come to Australia so I can tell you in person."she says

"I'll be on the next flight out of Los Angeles." I say.

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