I Have To Tell You Something

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I was getting ready to leave my mother's house. I look back at my childhood house and think about how many memories that Harry and I shared there. "Liz it time to go." Skylar says. Sky was going to be coming with me back to London since we are leaving soon. I go over to my mom one last time and give her a big hug and my mom says "Honey I'm so proud of how you are handling all of this." I smile back at her and hig her one last time before walking out to the car. Skylar was driving because I wasn't feeling too good. I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, before you know it I am asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~~

I felt someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Skylar right in front of me "We are at your appartment and it looks like Harry and his bandmates are here too." she says. I open the car door and grab my bag from the backseat of the car. I then continue up the steps to my appartment with Skylar following behind me with her luggage for our big trip to Austrilia. I decide to knock on the door instead of digging through my purse to find my keys. The door flings open and there is Harry smiling like crazy.

"Lizzie your back!!" Harry screams and then he sees my sister. "And you brought Skylar with you." he says trying to be nice. Then Harry gets shoved out of the way by Katie. Katie then pulls me into a hug and wispers in my ear "We have to talk later." I nod my head and continue into the house. Then I see the rest of the boys on the couch. Niall sitting there with a bag of chips, Zayn and Louis arguing about something, and Liam trying to break up the argue. I laugh at how stupid they all look, then Niall asks "What are you laughing at?" I smile and say "Nothing."

"Skylar, do you want me to show you your room?" I ask. She nods her head and follows me up the stairs. I show her to her room and tell that if she needs me i'm right next door. I then walk into my room and start unpacking when I hear a knock at the door. I then say come in and i see Harry walk through the door. "Hello Harry." I say. Harry then replies " Hey Lizzie, how was being back home for a few days?" I smile and think to myself is this the right time to tell him that I'm leaving? "Harry there is something I need to tell you" I say trying to avoid eye contact with him. " What is it that you need to tell me?" he asks. I look into his bright green eyes and say "Harry I have to move to Austrilia for work?" I see his face drop. "What are you talking about?" he says with worry in his voice. " Kim called a while i was in California saying that it would be best if I leave the UK and move to Austrila because there are more oppertunities for me as a model." I say and then Harry responds "Why didn't you tell me right when you found out?" I reply " I needed to make sure that I had someone to come with me since Katie has her job here and thats why Skylar is here." Harry then asks "When are you leaving?" I look up at him and say "The day you are leaving for your tour" I look back up to Harry's eyes and see hurt and sadness in his eyes. "Harry you know that my job is very important to me just like how yours is important to you." I say trying to make him feel better. 

"I guess your right, but I'm going to miss you so much Lizzie." He says. I pull him into a hug and say "Harry I'm not leaving yet, we still have time to spend together." I look back into his green eyes and see him becoming a little happier than he was before. "Harry I'm going to go and tell the rest of the boys downstairs."

Harry and I walk back downstairs and I see Skylar talking with Zayn, Louis and Niall Laughing at something, and Liam is doing something on his phone. "Guys I have an announcement to make." I say. They all look at me with curious looks on their faces, but Katie, Harry, and Skylar know what I'm talking about. I tell them that I am moving and then I get asked the same questions that Harry asked me. 

By the time I was done answering all the quesions it was time for them to leave because they had to go to an interview in the morning. We all said our goodbyes and they left. 

I walk back towards the living room where Katie and Skylar are sitting. I look over at Katie and she looks really sad. 

"Katie whats wrong?" i ask when i sit down on the couch next to her. 

"I just can't believe that you are actually leaving." She says 

"You know this is what is best for me and the baby." I tell her and she skakes her head and then says "Yeah your right, besides I can't wait to see that little baby of yours" I look over to her and smile. I pull her into a tight hug. 

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