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Today we were leaving LA and going back home to London. Katie had sworn not to tell any of the boys that I was pregnant with Harry's baby. I kept trying to think of an idea so that Harry will never know that I am pregnant. The one idea that stuck in my head was that I move to Austrila because of 'work'. 

We have just sat down on the plane and I was going to tell her about my idea. "Katie I think I have found out a way to keep Harry and the other boys from know in about the baby." I say. "And what is that idea you have." Katie says to me. I say "That I move to Austrila for work." "Lizzie that is a good idea but who is going to go with you cause I can't." I think to myself and then one person stuck in my head. "Skylar will." I say to her and then i see the worry in her face. "Do you really think that Skylar and your parents are going to be okay with this whole situation?" She says to me and it makes me think about the desision I will be making. I decide not to respond to her and try to not think about it for the rest of my flight.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HARRY STYLES POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

Today was the day that Lizzie was coming home and I was excited to see her again. I haven't talked to her since I left New York. I know she didn't answer my call for a reason and that reason was probably that she was busy. But it would've been nice to have herd back from her.

The boys and I were on my way to pick Lizzie and Katie up at the airport. I look over at Niall, who looks really excited to see his girlfriend even though she was gone for just three days. I look back out of the window and remember that i have to tell Lizzie something.

We finally arrive at the airport and before we all get out of the van we all but on sunglasses so no one will recognize us that easliy. When we get down to the baggage claim I see Lizzie and Katie. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LIZZIE MARIE'S POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Kaite and I are at the baggage claim picking up our bags. Then Kaite stops mid conversation and starts running towards someone. Then I realise it Niall, I pick up my bags and walk over toward the boys. I see Harry's face light up when I walk over to him. I drop my bags and give him a big hug. The Harry wispers in my ear "Why did you decline my call and not call me back?" I pull away from the hug and say "Sorry we were out with some people and we got back late." I say tring to avoid eye contact. I look over at Katie and I see Niall and her in a full out makeout session. 

"Guys you are starting to cause people to stare at us." I say to them. They both quickly pull away and start blushing. I pick up my bags and start to walk out. 

When we finally got into the car. I sat there in silence and thought about the baby I am going to have. We finally arrive at Katie and I's flat we all get out of the van walk over to the door. I pull out my keys and put them in the door and unlock it. We then hed in. Once we are inside i feel Harry grab my shoulder, I turn around and then he asks me "Can we talk for a second." I nodd my head and we both walk into the kitchen. 

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask 

"Well I have two things, first you have been acting a little wierd ever since you got here is everything okay?" He asks 

"Yeah everything is fine and what was your second thing?" 

"Well my second thing is that I wanted to let you know that we will be going on tour in America." He tells me and my heart breaks. 

"And when will this be happening?" I ask trying to hold in the tears. 

"We are leaving next week and I was wondering if you would like to join us?." He says.

"Harry you know I have me career to worry about right now and I can't go, I'm sorry." I say

"Its fine Lizzie. But it wouldv'e been nice to have you with me." He says.

"Oh and i want to let you know that I'm going to be visiting my parents for the next 2 days, since i havent seen them in a while." I say

"Oh thats good, we should go back downstairs" I get up from my bed and walk back downstairs.

Once we get backdownstairs it looks like all the boys are getting ready to leave. I go over and give them all hugs. They finally left and i sat down on the couch. 

"What did you and Harry talk about in your room?" Katie asks

"Well he asked me if everything was fine because i was acting weird and then he he let me know that they were going to be going on tour in America next week."  I tell her and she nods her head and says "Yes Niall told me about the tour." she says calmly. "Oh yeah im going to go and visit my parnets tomorrow to tell them that i'm pregnant if you want to come."

"Actually I can't go because I have to go back to work." she says 

"oh thats fine, well im going to head off to bed since im going to be leaving early." I say and then walk up the stairs. I quickly change into my pajamas and then I hop into my bed and fall asleep. 

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