What Now?!

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The days after Harry left went by fast and now i was headed to Los Angleas. I was really excited to have sometime off  and to have Katie there with me. I was know on the plane, Katie was already there. I look out the window of the air plane and see clouds. I feel myself getting sicker and sicker. I rush up from me seat and into the bathroom. I throw up all the food I ate this morning. I have must've ate some bad food or something. I get up and feel much better. I sit back in my seat and wait for the plane to land.

The plane has finally landed and I look around for Katie. I finally see her, I run over and give her a big hug.

"How are you" is the first thing she asks me.

"Good, but I think about what happened that night alot." I tell her.

"Ya I'm sure you do, but while we are here you are not going to think about it at all." I nod my head and we get into the car. I tell her all about fashion week and how fun it was. Then she asked how my flight was. "It was good until I threw up everything i ate for breakfest" I saw and her face turned pale. "Whats wrong? I just threw up"

"Liz when was your last period?" I think and then it all clicked

"Could I be pregnant?" I say in a panicked voice 

"Liz It possible, when we get to the hotel i'm going to go to the drug store and get you a pregnancy test" Katie says trying to be calm and at this point i was freaking out. So many questions were running through my mind. How will I tell Harry? Would I just not tell him? 

We get to the hotel and Katie checks in and I wait for her to find out the room that we are going to stay at. After she does that we both walk over to the elevator and wait. "Lizzie even if you are pregnant I will be there with you every step if the way no matter what." She says. I turn to her and give her a big hug and she smiles. The elevator door opens and we both walk out. We find our room and we put our stuff down. "Liz I'm going to go." She says. I walk over to my room and I hear the door close. I lay down and try to relax. Then I hear, a phone ringing in Katie's room. I get up from my bed and run over to her room and I see that Katie forgot her phone and that Niall is calling. I decide to pick up the phone. 

"Hey Niall, Katie is out right now." I say very blankly. 

"Oh ok, where is she?" he asks.

"She went to get something at the store." I say. Trying to be as vage as I could.

"Ok tell her that I called when she gets back." He says and then hangs up the phone. I set her phone down and walk back over to my room and turn on the tv. I find and old episode of Friends that is on and decide to watch that. 

10 minutes later I here the door open. I get up out of the bed as quickly as i could and run over to the door. Katie is standing there with pregnancy tests in her hands. 

"Here you go, if you need me I'll be right outside the door." She says. 

"Ok and Niall called and said that to call him back." I say before closing the bathroom door.  

I take pregnancy test and wait for the timer to ding. A few minutes later the timer dings. I look at the test and see a little plus sign. I break down in tears. I hear Katie telling me to open the door, but i can't face myself to tell I'm pregnant. I sit in the bathroom for a few hours until I calm my self down and tell myself that everything is going to be alright as long as Harry or and of the other boys find out. 

I open the door and Katie comes in and gives me a big hug. "Lizzie it gonna be alright. I'm here for you." I smile at her. "Are you going to keep the baby?" Of course I was going to keep the baby. "Yes of course he/ she is my baby and no one elses." I hear my phone start ringing. I run over to pick it up and I see that its Harry. "Whose calling?" Katie asks me. "Harry." I say and then decline the phone call. 

HARRY'S POV>>>>>>> 

We were all at the studio recording and when we finally got on break I decided to call Lizzie since I haven't talked to her since I left from New York. I find Lizzie's number and hit call. 



"I'm sorry but this person has declined your call."  

I look at my phone to make sure I called the right number and I did. Why would she have declined my call? I ask myself. I get up and walk over to Niall. "Have you talked to Katie recently?" I ask. "Yeah I just talked to her bout a couple hours ago. Why?" Niall says. "Well Liz just declined my call and she never does that only when something is wrong" I say really worried. "Well maybe she did it on accident." He says. I think he probably right. 

"Boys breaks over!" our manager tells us. I get up and get into the recording studio and all I could think about was Lizzie. 

Heyy guys. I hope you guys like this chapter. I would also like to dedicate this to akwardturtle. I have been completely obsessed with her Harry Styles Is Dating My Mum fanfic and Forever Or Never. So please make sure you cheak out he stories. Vote, Comment, Fan!! 


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