Visiting my Mom and Sister

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The sound of my alarm filled my ears. I open my eyes and hope out of my bed. I walk to the mirror and lift up my shirt . I put my hand on my stomach and smile. I quickly jump into the shower. I feel the hot water hit my skin. Once I got out of the shower I found a pair of jeans and a white v neak. Then I put my flats on and then pack a bag for clothes and other things needed for my trip. 

I was finally done and I headed down stairs and grabbed a some bread and put it into the toaster. Then once that is done I sit down at the counter and eat my toast. Once im done i grab all my stuff and head out the door towards the car. 

~~~~~~~~~~FEW HOURS LATER~~~~~~~ 

I have finally arrived at my parents house. I get out of the car and grab my stuff and walk up to the door and knock. The door flings open and there is my mom.

"Elizabeth!" my mom screams and then flings open the door. 

"Hi mom." i say

"Its so good to see you!!" She says

"Mom whos here." i here Skylar say 

"Elizabeth is here!" she screams and i hear her run to the door.

"Lizzie!!" she says

"Why did you come visit." Skylar asks

"Can't I come and visit my family?" I say

"Well yes but there is usually a reason on why you come since you don't visit that often." Skylar says  

"Well there is something i need to tell both of you, but can i tell you inside" they both nod and we walk back into the house. I put my stuff down on the couch and then head into the kitchen where my mom and Skylar were. 

"Ok so what do you need to tell us." My mom asks me. 

I take a deep breath and say "I'm pregnant." I see my moms eyes pop out of her head when I said those two words.

"whose the father?" My mom and sister say at the same time.  

"Harry Styles" I say very slowly. 

"As in the Harry Styles thats your best friend." My mother said 

"Yes the same one

"Does he know and how did this happen" Skylar asks 

I tell them the whole story about how we started dating, but then we felt like the relationship wouldn't work out. Then what happened in New York and LA. Then I told them that I wasn't planning on telling him. 

"Well how are you not planning on telling him when you see him everyday." My mom asks

"Thats why I came. I want to move to Austrila so that he doesn't find out and I need someone to come with me. So I was wondering If you Skylar will come with me?" I ask. I see her smile and then she says " Of course I would."

"Thank you so much you don't know how much this baby means to me." I say and then tears start to well up in my eyes. 

"Honey have you gone and gotten an ultrasound?" My mother asks. Being the forgetful person I have totally let that slip my mind. 

"Actually no I haven't had time." I said. Then I see my mom pick up her phone. Then she says into the phone "Hi we need an appointment for an ultrasound at 1." She nods her head and then says thank you. Then she turns to me and say you have an appointment at 1"

I get up from the table and walk over to my bag and grab my laptop. I walk back into the kitchen and sit down. Then I say "Sky we should start looking for a house in Austrila, since we are going to be leaving soon." She comes and sits next to me and we start looking for houses. Then we finally found this perfect house that was very closed off so no paparizzi will find it. I called the women who owned the house and she said that we could move in anytime.

"Lizzie shouldn't you let your agent know that your pregnant and moving to Australia" Skylar asks 

"Yes I should. I'm going to do that right now."  

"Ok when your done we should leave for the ultrasould." I nod my head and then pick up the phone and look through my contacts till I found Kim. Once I found her number I press call.


"Hello Elizabeth. How are you doing?" Kim asks 

"Good, but i have something to tell you." I say very calmly

"What is it that you have have to tell me?" 

"Well I'm pregnant. and planning to move to Australia" I say 

"Thats great news but what are you going to do about your career?"

"Well I was thinking  that once I arrive in Australia you could hire me a photograph to take a bunch of pictures to release throughout my pregnany because i want to keep it a secret." I say 

"Well thats a very great idea when are you planning on leaving?" 

"Well my sister is planning on coming with me and we decided to leave next week." I tell her 

"Ok that give me enough time to get a photographer hired. Just tell me what day your leaving, then we should be all set." Kim says 

"Ok thank you for all your help but i have to go." I say 

"Ok bye." She says. I hang up the phoneand grab my purse. "I'M OFF THE PHONE. LETS GO." I scream up the stairs. Then I see her coming downstairs and we both walk out the door. We decide to take my car. 

When we arrive at the doctors office, we both get out of the car and head towards the door. We are inside the doctors office right now waiting for my name to be called. 

"Elizbeth Marie" The nurse calls out

Skylar and I both stand up and follow the nurse into the room. Then the nurse says "The doctor will be with you soon." She leaves the room and we wait. Then the doctor comes into the room.

"Hello I'm Doctor Jones and you must be Elizabeth." She says 

"Yes thats me" 

"It nice to meet you. I'm going to need you to lift up your shirt so I can put this gel on your stomach for the ultrasound." She says and I do as i was told. Then she puts the gel on my stomach and then uses a stick like thing and rubs it arounf on my stomach. Then we hear the heartbeat and then I see a tiny blob on the screen. The doctors says "This is your baby right here." I smile and then ask "When is it due?" 

"Its due June 7 and do you want pictures of your ultrasound?" 

"Yes can I have five of them?" I say. She nods her head and the wipes the gel off of my stomach. Then leaves to go and get the photos.

I look over at Skylar and she says "I'm so proud of you"

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