Chapter 29

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I felt it impale me. The bullet hit me under my collar bone. I dove into the ground. It felt like someone had just shoved a knife into my chest, and pushed it deep into me.

Bayne stopped in his tracks to get me. He tried to nudge me up to get me going. It hurt too much.

We have to go. Try to get up.

The police continued to blast us. Bayne nudged me up again. His touch was enough to keep me going. We weren't hunters anymore. We were the prey. We couldn't chase the wolf anymore. We had to get to safety.

I weakly followed Bayne into the woods, a different direction than the blue trail was leading us. When we were far enough away, I had collapsed. Bayne sat by me.

Hang in there. The sun should be up soon. We'll get you help.

I didn't know how to communicate back to him. I whimpered in pain. I felt my chest bleed. Bayne laid his head on my body in attempt to comfort me. I felt the light of the moon slip away from my eyes.

I woke up in the morning. Bayne was shaking me awake. We were human again.

"Erin! Wake up! Are you alright?" He looked down at me. My chest was bloody and gushing out more blood.

"My chest. Ow." I touched it. Blood oozed out of it.

"We need to get you back. Now." He scooped me up in his arms and ran, despite his own injuries.

We were naked. I couldn't look down without feeling intense embarrassment. My chest throbbed.

"Why didn't it kill me?" I said weakly.

"Your wolf body is stronger than your human body. It can withstand more damage. But now that you're back to human, if we don't get you help soon, you could die." He said.

He made it to the abandoned house on the edge of town, hoping Nadine and Raven were there.

"NADINE! RAVEN! HELP!" Bayne shouted. Raven peaked her head out the window to see the horrors of our injuries.

She had Bayne bring me up. He threw a blanket over me, and put pants on himself that he had left there. He created a compress and pushed on my chest in attempt to stop the bleeding. My vision was blurring. My heart felt weaker.

"Can you help him?"

"I don't know. I'm not much of a healer. And the sun is out now. I'm not very strong.."

"You're a witch, aren't you? Do something! Please!"

"My skills don't lay with healing! But there's something I can do."

She took charcoal and drew a circle. Nadine came upstairs and gasped at the sight of me. She jumped down by Bayne.

"Erin! What happened?" She was startled.

"Cops shot him in the woods last night. Hurry, Raven!" Bayne rushed her. He looked down at me.

"It's going to be alright, Erin. I won't let you die." He said, looking down at me. He was blurry.

Speaking was hard. My throat felt like it was tensing up. 

"Get in the circle!" Raven commanded. Bayne carried me and held me while we were both around the circle. Blood dripped across my body.

"Hold this crystal. Think of where you want to go. It should transport you to the lodge. Romulus can help you better there. Don't let go of him or the crystal."

Raven handed Bayne the crystal. He set me in his lap, like he was holding a pet. Then, he took the crystal from Raven.

We spun. For a moment, I felt like I was falling through the air. Bayne gripped me tightly. It felt like we were going through a vortex.

It suddenly stopped. My vision remained blurred. I saw trees. We were at the doorstep of the wolf lodge.

"Help! Help me get him inside!" I heard him plead.

Bayne and another man I didn't recognize carried me inside. It was the last thing I saw before my vision had went out.

"What happened?" I heard Romulus, as Bayne and the other man set me down on the bed.

"He was shot! Help him!"

"I need to help you too."

"Me? I'm fine! Just help him!"

"You were bitten. I'll tend to Erin's wounds first, but I need to tend to yours as well."

I slipped into unconsciousness. I had once again woken up in Romulus's healing room, in the patient bed. Bayne was sitting by the window, his head dropped. He was asleep. I examined him. His leg was wrapped and his other wounds were bandaged. He was clothed.

I looked down at myself. There was an extensive amount of bandages on my chest. I was only wearing basketball shorts. My body was dirty. I pushed myself to sit up, releasing a groan of pain. Bayne's head popped up. He looked relieved.

"Erin, you're alright? How do you feel?" He asked.

"My chest hurts." I groaned.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" Bayne sat on the edge of the bed.

For once, I did. It wasn't images either, it was the entire thing.

"Yes. I was shot. By police." I tried to sit up again. I let out a groan in pain.

Bayne put his hand on me, sending sparks through me.

"Don't try to push yourself. Rest." He said.

"Was it him? Was it Remus?"

"I'm afraid so. He's strong, but we'll get him."


"I think we'll need some help. But don't worry about that right now."

He reached for my hand.

"You saved my life. You took a bullet for me." He said.

My weak heart sped up. I felt like I was dreaming. He reached his other hand and gently stroked my cheek. He was careful in avoiding touching any injuries of mine.

He leaned closer to me. I closed my eyes as our lips met. It was like something I had never felt before. It felt like an explosion in my heart. It felt like the lighting I was feeling every time we touched was aimed right at my heart. His kiss gave me energy. It felt like he had woken me up after I've been only sleeping for eighteen years.

"Never do that again." He whispered.

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