notice again:(

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Guys I might or may not be able to update for a while...

well maybe it's just me worrying or overthinking too much.  nonetheless i still think the same way,  I just want to notify you guys that I'm going to be gone for a while to catch up with some of my missed assignments.  after all I do want to graduate but at the same time appease all of you. 

I've been noticing this since the past month but never talked to you guys about it.  But the chapters that has been published are,  in my opinion,  starts to lower its own quality.  I will start to proof read all the future chapters so the schedule I made will be trashed for now.  I will come back once I'm ready which I will be,  with a more general idea.

I will be making a newer schedule once I am more stable with my studies and works.  so for now I will not have any updating schedule because it's a start of a new semestee and I'm getring stacked up with homework that has been only made TODAY. 

This doesn't mean that I wipl be discontinuing any of my stories! I'm just meaning that i will be needing to take quite a break to straighten my studies a bit.  and because being an author which i've so long realised ever sinced I've made this story,  is hard.  running out of ideas is my end of the world and maybe so do all of you guys who also has stories!

I hope all of you will understand this notice of mine and have a great day!

oh yeah,  heres a question what are you're zodiacs?

I'm a virgo and this meme severely relates with me:')

I'm a virgo and this meme severely relates with me:')

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-sincerely you're ever hyperventilating author-chan

p.s.-  if any of you,  my dear readers made a story,  comment or message me in wattpad for the story;)

oh yeah here take my heart ❣

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