Chapter 22: A place to remember

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fortunately, lady luck has chosen to be by his side and deliberately put him into a halt, helping him calm down.  Same goes for the heat he feels surfacing on his cheeks.

" ah...thank you? I guess.. " He mentions to at least show a portion of his appreciation.  His voice no lower than a mutter.

" Shall we go now? If we go now the both of you will able to go home on usual time and have a rest " Kageyama informs.

" now, now, secretary-chan no work discussions remember? and you mentioned only the two of us so what about you? " Oikawa says clearly unamused about the noirette excluding himself.

" I have other things to finish and pass before tomorrow Oikawa-sama,  after all punctuality is important. " Tobio points out

" Tobio-chan who cares?, we'll excuse you for now and count this day as a mid-day off, right Iwa-chan "

" Kusokawa's right Kageyama-kun, you need rest too.  Especially when handling a huge pile of work load. "

" ah I guess so...but really shall we go now or?- "
Kageyama was for umpteenth time interrupted by a hand dragging him outside his office.

" We'll go now! " Oikawa exclaims cheerfully.

"If I may ask...where exactly are we going? "

" Eh, we hadn't really got it planned but anywhere we really think of is where we'll go " Iwaizumi says nonchalantly.

" But what if we get- "

Again Tobio gets interrupted by the one and only, Oikawa Tooru.

" If we ever do get lost we can always ask or ask for backup.  And Tobio-chan just relax nothing will happen. Now shut up and just enjoy "

" alright if you say so.. "

An hour passed and they ended up where Tobio would expect them to end up in. 

It was somewhere close to his apartment complex, near the playground built beside it. 

But behind both the playground and the flat into the trees you can find a place that is picket-fenced all around.  The fence was surrounded with leafy vines and other kinds of small plants.  The fence was also quite tall,  enough for a kid not to see what's inside.

Luckily for Kageyama he was born tall.  Although coming out to benefit him, he didn't like that it gave him memories. 

Memories of which his past was kept closed and locked for no one to see nor hear about. 

It's been long since he had said about his past. So far the only ones who really knew about him was his friend group.  Without them he wouldn't really be where he would be. 

but to get things clear in one way or another,  maybe he wouldn't have been able to see the light life has given him.

" -bio-chan what's wrong? " Oikawa questions as cocks his head sidewards.

" ah nothing just a memory having it's throwback "


" It has made you smile Kageyama-kun, I'm pretty sure you hold the memory dearly. " Iwaizumi says.

" yeah...I really still do " Kageyama says. Voice sweet, just like honey.

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