Chapter 28: ghost

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Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime, two clearly displeased men (un)composedly walking towards their office.

And it was clear as to why they are to be so " displeased " as of the moment.

The second they stepped out to the cold weather, the exact moment they were finally out of Kageyama's complex, did they feel the completely numbing feeling.

other than numbness,

they felt guilt.

They felt all those feelings crashing down on them like a weight for them to carry.

a burden.

but right now,

They'd want nothing more but to forget what had transpired the other day.

So both men had come to the obvious consensus to apologize to Kageyama.

All though there was a slight worry that was bothering them ever since they entered the company.

It was the fact that Kageyama was nowhere to be seen. Which was very strange for someone like him. It was unusual and rare, never have they ever thought of the day to come that Kageyama, The Kageyama Tobio, the only assistant that has ever been able to withstand against both CEO and the president and came out just fine, was nowhere!

Normally, most of the time by now Kageyama would be all over Oikawa and Iwaizumi discussing the meetings, arrangements, and the overall news and schedules and all the other work-related topics to keep them right on track.

but he wasnt.

In fact, nowhere near the vicinity of the company at all.


Kageyama woke up, his eyes blurry and sore.

at the same time being blinded by the rising sun.

Usually by now he would be taking a cab to the company but alas,

he does not want to.

Nor is he in the right condition to do so, if ever.

He glances up at the ceiling, his mind swirling with endless of uncountable thoughts he knows he dares not to say.


After what had taken place last night.

And in a slick moment, his gaze was directed towards the broken glass of his mother's portrait.

He knows he may have gone too far, but you have to understand that it was the only thing left of what his mother had left him in such a cruel world.

It was what's left of his mother's remnants when life was still comforting and easy.

Back to when he still felt safe and secured.

Tucked away from harsh reality, in his own little world, his very own bubble that protects him of what the world has come to be.


" Tobi!! " the young girl says calling out to her little brother

she runs and stops obviously out of breath considering all the running she just did.

Her headache strong as she tilts her head to the side in hopes of helping it clear away, coming home after a bad day was the clear definition of sweet relief to her.

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