chapter 25: Pictures

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what's that?- the author updated after so long?-Σ('◉⌓◉')

An hour into the night,  Kageyama had already led both guests into the spare room.  But before he leaves them he gave them towels and two pairs of spare clothes.

" Oikawa-sama,  Iwaizumi-sama here's some towels,  spare clothes and slippers.  I apologise if the clothes don't fit you,  these are my friends clothes although I'm not entirely sure if it fits. "

" It's fine Tobio-chan,  from now on take out the honourifics from our names. "

" o—ok?- "

" well then that's settled,  right Tobio-chan? "

" Yes Oikawa-sam-"

Kageyama met Oikawa's stern stare,  reminding him of what he had said earlier about the names.

" y-yes Oikawa-san "

Oikawa raised his brow on the honorific that came after his last name.

" Uh I remembered that you and Iwaizumi-san hasn't eaten dinner yet—do you want anything? I'll order the food "

" why don't you just cook Kageyama-kun? "

" Ah I haven't been able to go to the grocery,  so if it's ok I'll just be ordering food "

" But didn't he say he was going to do his grocery some time before? " Oikawa thought.

" Sure I'm good,  Kusokawa's good too "

sighing in relief,  Kageyama went to grab his phone from the coffee table to order the food.




Dinner went by and smooth sailing to Kageyama's wishes.

They've said their goodnights and went to bed.

In Kageyama's case of course.

But the other two? not a chance.

They were wide awake.  They couldn't sleep and they don't know the reason.

Fidgeting,  fumbling,  staring,  and even going as far as to falling down the bed.

But one particular fall got Oikawa to notice something under the neatly cleaned bed. 

A navy blue box.

It wasn't particularly big or small it was a medium-sized box,  perfectly fitting down the bed.

Then there was this surge of curiosity to open the box and see it's contents.

Oikawa reached out for the box pulling it to his lap and shook it only for him to hear paper cards?  cards?  whatever it was intrigued Oikawa  but just as he was about to take the lid Iwaizumi had intervened.

" Oi Kusokawa! stop! This isn't our house and that box doesn't belong to you for you to open it out of curiosity "

Iwaizumi said whisper-shouting,  soft-enough to not alarm the sleeping boy next door.

" I'm warning you Kusokawa,  don't do it.  Don't you think you've been stupid enough for the day?- "

" Iwa-chan! you meanie! that hurt- "

Oikawa can't help but catch his lovers amused gaze focused on the box that's currently on his lap.

" Do you want to open it too Iwa-chan? "

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