Chapter 5: Intoduction to your new job

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(Kageyama's uniform☝️, also ignore sunaxD
Credits goes to @ evilyq
| =• ^ •=|

Apparently the email is about the job, the job he applied for

Kageyama stared at the notification for whole minute more, not noticing that he was already being left out. The others soon noticed that Kageyama was missing and looked behind them

They all walked back to Kageyama to ask him whats wrong

" Kageyama is there something wrong? "
asked Suga asks worriedly

"  King,  what got you struck?  " Tsukishima asks

Kenma and akaashi looks at him telling him the same question just by the looks of their eyes

"  Aoba Johsai- the company...they messaged me about the job  "

The group just looked at him,  then they said

"  have you checked it! have you opened it!  "

"  no, no I haven't  "  he said

"  ok then,  before we go to the arcade how bout' taking a trip to the park,  where we can read the email sent  " akaashi said


Walking to the nearby park was easy,  even tho Kageyama was anxious about the email, he was still able to giggle a little before actually facing it

They looked for a bench to sit on and officially read the email


March  19  2020

Kageyama Tobio
Managing team
xxxx,  xxxxxxxxx

Dear Kageyama-kun,

As you said from the interview,  we are very much pleased to take you as Oikawa-sama's official secretary.  However we hope you don't mind to take Iwaizumi-sama in your care.  We are eager to cooperate with you and make a positive outcome.

As we thoroughly discussed, your official salary will amount to 615,000-715,000 yen.  Health and life insurance will be provided only after 30 days of official employment.

You will officially start working tomorrow and your clothes should arrive around noon. We will give you the link where to buy similar ones. Time you should arrive at the company will be early in the morning at 6 am so please rest up

We're looking forward in working with you soon.  Congratulations of getting the job.


Kobayashi Mina-san

Kobayashi Mina-san from the managing team


Processing the said email Kageyama, Tsukishima, Sugawara, and Akaashi just stared at the sent email

After processing what the managing team just sent,  they celebrated

If people were to look at them,  they'd think that their just a bunch of lunatics shouting for some reason

"  I got accepted!, I got accepted!  "

"  wow in a short span of time and the combined help of Airi-san and all of us, you got accepted " sugawara said

"  True,  and likely making Tobio's job application more appealing than his last one "
Kenma said

"  Right, we should-  " Tsukishima was cut off by a call,  turns out it was a emergency work call practically calling him to come back for a scan through

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