Chapter 4: hangout:D

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He thought of it for a few, but he's given up on the idea, since the guy did looks shady.

He took out his phone and saw how many missed calls he's had and unread messages waiting to be seen

" honestly, I don't wanna deal with this again "
said Kageyama wiping his face

He indeed tired so he just decided to call
Airi-san so he wouldn't need to type

" tobio? Hello? are you ok? have you eaten? "

"hello Airi-san, yes I'm fine, and I have eaten "

" tobio don't lie to me, have you eaten? "

" . . . no, I haven't " while talking it started to rain lightly

"  alright then make sure you eat when you come back to your apartment, yeah?  "

"  yeah  "

"  ok,  I have to go now tobio-kun, I'll check on you again later  "

"  mk, take care, bye  " I said before the line ended

I sighed "  theres still a long way home  " I thought,  I just want to lay on my bed and sleep for the rest of existence.

He just stared at the window, the rain now drizzling heavily




At the end,  I took a stop at a nearby café that somehow has pasta? Weird I didn't know there's pasta in a café. 

I thought about cooking but nevertheless,  lost my determination to do so

I entered the café and the nice aroma of coffee hit my sense of smell with an abundance of displayed pastries before my eyes

I looked around for awhile, there were fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, pictures of people adding to the aesthetic.  Flowers, green plants placed here and there.  The marbled tiles ending when you arrive at the placed tables.  It was a decent café

I headed towards the counter and and ordered a drink and pasta
I headed to the table unoccupied around the corner and patiently waited

The café wasn't packed,  in fact it was peaceful. Only groups of people are around, and the fact that it's afternoon is a miracle

I looked outside the window and it was currently raining heavily

I grabbed my bag and took out my earphones to listen to music

Before I could plug the earphones to my phone the door opened, the bell ringing, the employees greeting the customer

                I took a look and oh my

It's the guy who got his car dented by another car yesterday.  His cloths were kind of soaked,  and he's holding a bag? of somewhat. 

It took me a few to fully grasp my senses and not actually faint

He headed to the table beside mine and I almost lost it there. Thankfully the waiter came and served my food. As much as I enjoyed seeing the ripped guy beside my table, I don't want Airi-san to worry.

For a whole peaceful 10 minutes of eating, and savouring my food, I finished

I went to stand up and exit the clear glass door when I realised that I didn't have an umbrella

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