Chapter 10: thank you

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" are you okay tobio? " both of them asks

Kageyama just stayed still for 3 reasons

First of all, they called him by only his name
Second comes them protecting him and even destroying the door
Third is last and that is their not letting go

" y-yes I'm fine, could you please let go first "

" I'll let go if you already fine "

" does anything hurt? " Iwaizumi asks, knowing his lovers intention was just to help

" no " again, Kageyama regains his blunt composure and stood straighter

A worker from the restaurant came in with a medic to do a check up while the worker apologises for the disturbance

" it's fine "

Then the worker made her exit

The collab was successful but the two can't help but think if it was worth it when they saw their personal assistant getting sexually harassed


The whole ride back to the company was quiet and if Kageyama was to be asked, he would say awkward

He was made to sit at the backseat with Iwaizumi and Oikawa as it was their absolute order and they themselves made it obvious that there was no room for a rebellion

Iwaizumi was holding onto his waist and Oikawa had his hand around his arms and they were both looking out through the window

It was awkward.

To be physically touched like this by your employer is quite weird. So much so that he was contemplating to ask if they're okay with letting grasp go for now

"  um... "

hearing the soft mutter both males beside him turned their heads from the window to look at him

" could you please loosen your....grip? "

At Kageyama last word he was scared that he even hesitated

Tobio is prideful, yes?

He is. He always held his head up high even when he was abandoned in the mists of his last volleyball game in his junior high

Yes. Until now it haunts him, he was foolish enough to actually fall for both boys just when he met them the first time.

But he really wants to stay. Yet the pair holding him close, are lovers across each other in the back seat with him in the middle.

The thought was disrupted by the feeling of their hands grasp loosening

" sure " Iwaizumi says

" oh,...thank you "

" for what tobio-chan? "

Tobio can't help but notice that whenever something is serious Oikawa calls him 'Tobio-chan whenever something is serious and secretary-chan whenever it's anything business related or for teasing

" ah thank you for saving me....from earlier in the...bathroom.. "

" thats not something to be thanked for, it was needed so don't thank us "

" but...still "

He just looked at the road, when he predicted that both men will look at his way

" By the way, I don't think cooperating with Mrs.Sakura is a good move. If her intention was gone unnoticed then I will lay it down for both of you "

Ever since Kageyama got wrongly accused he never got malicious intent wrong. After all it is his job to dissect and turn down any thing that will cause harm to the company, it's reputation, and it's rulers

" She riskily untold the part where the project fund you both will be willing to send as a donation of help will be immediately sent to construction site "

They just both looked at him

" you're very observant secretary-chan~! "

" thank you Kageyama-kun, but it was purposely avoided to see if you would notice. A majority of our ex-secretaries has failed to notice "

Kageyama was surprised,

" so were they so concentrated on finding the right secretary that they were willing to go to a business meeting knowing that the company that reached out will just collect the money " he thought

" cancel the money transfer the moment we get back at the company. After that accompany me and iwa-chan down to the lobby and leave us when were already in the car. " Iwaizumi says

Organise the files left at your table then send an email to the company about the cancellation. Only after all the things I've told told you will you be dismissed " Oikawa then adds

Again. kageyama was awestruck. He was just in a accident and he was already stacked with work. He sighs and adamantly says;

" as you wish, Oikawa-sama, Iwaizumi-sama "


When they arrived he had helped both bring their few belongings

" secretary-chan, it's time, please come with us"

Kageyama came out of the office and spotted Oikawa and Iwaizumi outside their office, waiting in the lounge

" shall we go, Iwaizumi-sama, Oikawa-sama? "

" let's go "


They rode the elevator down and Kageyama behind them so he could cover their backside

When the automatic doors opened the employees had their attention on them

Fangirling. Fanboying.

Kageyama, himself doesn't even know how he got involved with their fans because some were had their attention on him. Looking at him like he's some piece of meat waiting to be fed to a predator.

A black car had arrived and the moment it stopped Tobio has stepped up to open the door for them. Assisting them while they go inside the car.

They bid their goodbye to Kageyama and the has drifted away

He went back inside the company with the employees still staring at him, some glaring at him. Yes. He was disturbed by it and whats wrong with assisting your employers to the car?

It's completely like your their slave so how are they jealous

The elevator doors opened employees making for him and getting out of the elevator


" hah? what is this- , thats not a file..thats a university law book! "

He slouched lazily and just had pure dread when he took a single look at it

He thought it wasn't so bad but since he's quite tired he was overreacting and had no idea that he was being observed.

A camera was deployed at the ceiling of his part of the office and he had no idea of it nor does he notice the camera following him

Cause' he's just too tired

But who's the one watching over him?

Word count: 1023 words ( a/n not included )

Yeah...who is watching him..?👀

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Should I do eventual smut? But like its only the start then the aftermath cause' I'm that holy😇

The next chapter will be...

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