Chapter 15: In disguise

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There in front of Kageyama Tobio with his sweaty glory, is Iwaizumi Hajime

Pinning him. Pinning Tobio. Kageyama.

Yes you got that right.

But unconsciously, to Tobio's own dismay.

" Iwaizumi-sama, would be nice if you were to let me go "

Iwaizumi faced him and blushed.

Seeing Tobio's face up close was flustering for him. The sharp doe eyes coloured with the natural colour of sapphire looking at him with cheek bones tinged with pink. Pale and supple skin enough to show the slightest of marks to be made.

" Sorry..."

" ooh~ iwa-chan's blushing~! "

" oh shut up, that was just because of me dragging him here! " Iwaizumi said, hitting Oikawa's head

" ow! What a meanie, iwa-chan! "

" uh wouldn't they hear...the both of you? " Tobio asks

" oh yeah, but that wouldn't be possible since the walls are soundproof "

" oh. Oh. o—k "

" oh right before I can ask what happened, please eat already "

Kageyama can already hear their empty stomachs screaming for food. For a rich pair, Tobio can't believe their starving.

" well the more you know,...I guess? " he thought

The brunette took the paper bag from Kageyama and took out the food. The food was mouth-watering, there was orange chicken, fried noodles, dumplings, and some rice. And as requested milk bread.

" wah, secretary-chan you've done a great job picking the food! "

Oikawa reached for the milk bread and was blocked by Iwaizumi's hand swatting it away and said;

" you'll eat that later, eat the other food first. The milk bread Kageyama-kun lines up for is for dessert. "

" iwa-chan! It's mine! " Oikawa retorts while chowing down the noodles from it's container, looking at Iwaizumi.

" whatever " Iwaizumi says looking at the other food waiting to be chosen

" ahem, sorry to intrude your 'feast' but as I said what happened? "

" well when you texted us about Akari-chan coming we had to get ready. "

" then when she arrived she had brung and attracted many, countless of reporters, paparazzis, writers getting ready to make a scoop " Iwaizumi continued

" it was like, as if all hell broke loose from it's confinement "

" only pure chaos "

" sorry..."

" eh? Why say sorry secretary-chan? "

" I should've declined and said that both were busy..."

" it's fine Kageyama-kun, it's your job anyways"

" ... "

After that silence met the dissipating sound of the husky voice that came out directly from Iwaizumi.

The awkward silence ensues as Tobio comes up with a plan on how to get them out of this situation.

There's something he realised, she must've started something of some sort and is causing this ruckus.

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