Chapter 21: Feelings?

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Alike to any other day, this day was just the same. Following their daily routine to keep everything in order.

Right now, Kageyama's preparing tea for the two that's basically chained to their work table. It's just been a busy week. If by that a busier week than the others.

He's getting so many emails from companies, phone calls for appointments, files to organise, papers to print, documents to edit and send to the two, board-meetings to schedule and so on.

He's been getting so busy that he's forgetting his meal times. Tho it's a good thing his friends texted or calls him to always eat and drink regularly. Those calls were rare too. They were busy too, like Hinata and Kenma who's both working on their company in the making and Kenma's gaming career that's basically popular.

Kuroo and Tsukishima both have different job's. Tsukishima who works as a Primary Care Doctor and Kuroo as a epidemiologist. Both said males schedules are packed.

Akaashi is busy with modelling and Bokuto is being Bokuto while doing all his work with Akaashi as a model too .

Suga who's busy designing clothes with yamaguchi. Daichi who's out of the country and Terushina who's also out of the country.

He can't even get in contact with Airi-san because she's busy too.  ( Y'know-sis got some errands to run🏃🏽‍♀️ )

He sighs gloomily,  remembering all of his friends made him want to hang out with them like the usual before all their schedules got packed up.

He slightly bows his head down and sets his hands flat out on the surface of his desk while standing up as he sulks.

" haa...I really miss them:( "

" you miss who? "

Kageyama squeals at the voice that certainly doesn't belong to him.  But familiar wnough who's voice it belongs to.

" ah—no one, Iwaizumi-sama "

Kageyama looks up to look at Iwaizumi to find him, again, with Oikawa.

" Hello Oikawa-sama "

" Hello secretary-chan! "

" Do both of you need something? If it's about the documents just sent 10 minutes ago then I'll see if there's any loopholes and have it corrected and renewed in no time "

" ah no... "

Iwaizumi blushes a little at what he was about to say.  It was something him and Oikawa had been  talking about inside their office after Kageyama had left to run his own errands in his own office.

" we we're just wondering if- "

Then Kageyama's phone buzzed. A chime of timer came ringing through their ears. Kageyama grabbed his phone and stopped the alarm then palmed his forehead.

" Iwaizumi-sama, Oikawa-sama,  it's time for the collaboration appointment with the Kangs, it's advisable to go now to avoid being late. "

Kageyama said, he stood straight and bowed at a 70° angle.

" ah...yeah...say after the meeting do we have any time to spare? "

" ah yes, indeed.  I have moved some appointments and managed  excess the company  meetings as a substitute.  Why do you ask?, Oikawa-sama? "

" we meant the same but same goes to you Tobio-chan. you have any free time? "

" I guess...why so? "

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