Chapter 14: bad luck

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Kageyama's going to go crazy. He has no idea what to do he must be on the floor so why hasn't it hit him. The floor isn't supposed to be buff nor bulky, it's supposed to be flat.

So why is it not?


Kageyama opened his eyes and oh

He wasn't in contact with the marbled floor. He was in contact with something else, a person to be specific.

Kageyama has never stood up so fast in his whole life. With a flushed face he apologises.

" sorry " he took a glance up and it was Iwaizumi

" sorry, Iwaizumi-sama! "

" No no its fine "

" I must've been very heavy... "

" tobio-chan, your light as a feather despite your look "

Kageyama's head tilted sidewards in confusion

" sorry for my rudeness Oikawa-sama, but may I know how do you know? "

" 2 days ago!~ "

Kageyama's eyes went WIDE. 2 days ago, the whole bathroom scene, them getting drunk, and....what

" when we woke up in the car you were basically comatose. Nothing could wale you up! "

Oikawa said with a smirk

Iwaizumi hit his head waring him

" stop flirting with him kusokawa! "

" ow! iwa-chan, that hurts! You brute! "

" am not "

" oh you jealous Hajime?~ "

" shut up, kusokawa! "

By now Kageyama was quite used to the bickering that's ever-so-often to occur.

He walked again to the file cabinet to get the file he needed

When suddenly Oikawa pulled him close, enough for Tobio to feel his warm breath touch his bare nape

" ah secretary-chan protect me! "

" Oikawa-sama what are you doing?, and please let go of me..."

" kusokawa let go of him! "

" who are you to say that, are you my mom iwa-chan~ "

" what did you say- "

After that it was just all running around and Kageyama not getting to finish his work in peace. As his employers keep on playing cat and mouse in his office.

He finds it quite amusing to see both men bickering like a child's play

He honestly finds it dainty.

He heard a grumble similar to when lightning lowly rumbles in the dark clouds surrounding the sky

He wasn't hungry he ate something on the way to work, which is by the way a fit bar. He doesn't know why but it became a habit for him to eat a fit bar instead of having a full-fledged breakfast. He just wants something simple and light. Like a fit bar.

Some people find it odd but he just shrugs their commentary away.

He looks at Iwaizumi and Oikawa, both has stopped looking at the ceiling while whistling. Pretending it wasn't their stomachs that growled in hunger.

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