Chapter 9: business meeting

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" I'm sorry what? I apologise but no... "

" hm " Oikawa observed Kageyama's face as if he knew something. As if he knew he was lying.

" Oikawa-sama please stop staring at me, it's very creepy "

Oikawa didn't much here focusing on staring at tobio. Then did Iwaizumi hit his head

" kusokawa he said stop staring at him! "

" I didn't hear iwa-chan! He has the most softest voice I've ever heard! "

" uh did you guys forget were here "

The three looked at mattsun and makki and remembered they were there

" ah sorry " Kageyama says bowing

" no no, it's fine "

" So? "

" so? "

Tobio looked at his watch and found out that it was 6:45 pm

" I thought it was just an hour..."

" huh, what was that secretary-chan? "

" it's already 6:45 pm, Oikawa-sama, Iwaizumi-sama. I apologise but I think it's time to go back to the company. "

Iwaizumi took out his phone to see that the ravenette wasn't kidding

" Thank you for informing us Kageyama-kun "

Kageyama had a blush on his face but then faded away with his contented face

He did still remember that his employers are lovers...

" then we should go now, makki-chan, mattsun-chan " Oikawa said waving goodbye, Iwaizumi just waving without saying anything
and Kageyama bowing, again, apologising.

The whole walk back to the company was quite awkward for Kageyama. After all he's only their secretary. What's worse was that he felt like he was third-wheeling

Desperate he looked around for a distraction

Until he found some meconopsis and hydrangeas when he was walking behind

While they're distracted with talking to each other, Kageyama led himself astray and headed to the pretty flowers

He took some pictures since hydrangeas remind him of his grandparents, his grandmother's name was Ajisai and his Kazuyo since both names have one thing in common.

They both mean harmony.

Tobio just loved both flowers he really did not want to cry just because it reminded him of his grandparents, he really really did not want to.

So he faced the cloudy sky to keep the tears away

He then realised he was left so he just sighed and tracked his way to the company, texting Iwaizumi to inform that he got 'lost' during the walk back to the company


When he got there they were already dressed

"Secretary-chan! Where were you! "

" I got lost on the way to the company, I apologise Oikawa-sama, Iwaizumi-sama "

When really he just needed the a distraction

" It's fine go ahead and get dressed, your suite is in the same closet hung on a hanger, and your excused "

He bowed down and said his thanks

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