Chapter 13: The next day

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Yesterday night, was a complete hallucination for Tobio. He just can't believe it's real.

Just how much has Tobio fallen?

How much?

He's currently in his house spread across his bed, the comforter messed up, his hair flinging in all different places, cheeks dusted with pink and his mind wrecked with.

" this can't be happening..! " he muttered

" how the hell did I even end up like this? I had a grasp on controlling my own feelings then they just unconsciously smother me with kisses. Kisses. " I quickly muttered

" why is my whole life such an atrocious mess " I face palmed myself

The episode in the bathroom relapsed and again ran through his mind and his face was lit on fire with embarrassment.

" how can I just let this slide!, I don't even think I can look at them properly anymore after what happened last night... "

" ugh..." he remarks while he languidly stands up to take a shower and head to work

It had become a normal routine. To wake up early so thats he can work then head home. Yet this day doesn't feel like the normal mornings he's blessed with everyday. It felt.., it felt exciting.

He headed to the bathroom as soon as the hot water was ready

He enters the bathroom and twists the shower handle sidewards

Then beads of soothingly warm water caressed his pale supple skin, gliding while Kageyama thinks of his work escapades when he just started working 3 days and a week ago.

His job isn't that bad...

It's just that he won't be able to think of anything else but the story of last night when he looks at them

He already imagined it and has long gone died from suffocating himself with a pillow and embarrassment

With that he finished his not-really soothing bath

He wore the usual uniform and didn't bother with his hair. So he just ruffled it making it look fluffier and has more volume

He took his bag and a few files that he has brung home to review for the presentation scheduled before lunch.

Then he sauntered outside and waited for the scheduled cab to come


They're currently at the conference room, seeing the presentation thats

But there was something that's kind of throwing Tobio off his own tracks

He could feel a pair of eyes staring right through his soul. Only to find nothing but the guests of Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

As the conference went on, the more Tobio was getting relieved. He can escape from the haunting stares of...whats her name? Oh yeah


She was staring him for what he could remember was in time record a whole hour

He was creeped out. But he couldn't do anything, that's their guest. If he were to be rude he would probably get reprimanded at an instant. So he'd rather be uncomfortable then be warned for misconduct.

So he just looks farther away from where she as said was looking at him


They are bow walking through the last floor with Tobio at front, Akari beside Oikawa and Iwaizumi, Then the two said men beside her disgusted mentally.

" and this is my office, following Oikawa-sama and Iwaizumi-sama's personal office "

" I can go in right Hajime-sama, Tooru-sama? "

" please refrain from calling us that, it quite gross Akari-chan "

She just annoyingly throws a tantrum of why they should let her call them that and why can I call them that.

" well that's because he's our secretary "

" you're not our secretary, so don't call us that, it's gross "

" hmph " she huffs, crossing her arms in protest

" it's no fair, you should listen to me since my father is the CEO of he company you have to work with "

Oikawa and Iwaizumi's eyebrow angrily twitched. They were about to say something un-polite so Tobio intervened.

" Akari-san, isn't that quite unruly? "

" excuse me? "

" you're behaviour, Akari-san, it is what you can describe as brat "

" I WILL- "

" as what you're father has described "

There was silence, it has shut her blabbering trap and that's what Tobio is thankful for.

But yes, it's true. Her father, Watanabe-san, has informed him of his daughters spoilt attitude. And has told him how to deal with her, he did say it would take such heights to silence her.

She was arrogant indeed. Treating people alike her as peasants bowing down at her disposal.

At least that's what she thought.


They were now all sitting in Kageyama's part of the office. With Kageyama fixing the files, and making them sign a few contracts.

When Iwaizumi and Oikawa had to leave for a call Akari took her chance and said

" listen here kageyama-kun, stay away from them or you'll end up hurt. Not only that I'll take your family away " she venomously spat

" I'm sorry but that I cannot do. I'm their secretary so I have to keep in touch with them. Also try even, you'll realise theres no one there. "

In all honesty if blood-related there would be no one left.

But if not, they would protest the same in offence

They won't let anybody get in between their bond

" ugh just you wait.."


When she had left, he was alone now with Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

He was so distracted, not only that but disgusted, that he forgot about why he wasn't looking at Oikawa and Iwaizumi

" hey secretary-chan~ " Oikawa said

Kageyama thought it was quite close but when he turned his head upwards. He only saw Oikawa's face up close, with his teasing smirk and his breath hitting Tobio's nose bridge.

Then did he only remember why he wasn't.

" w-what is it, Oikawa-sama? " he stuttered. Stuttered. That is so unlike him.

" oh nothing just wanted to see you're blunt face up close, no harm to it, yeah "

He now stood heading to the file cabinet when he suddenly lost his footing and slipped.

He closed his eyes, thick rows of black eyelashes fluttering as he was rapidly approaching to face flat on the floor.

" huh the floor...why does the floor seem so buff and...muscle-y... "

Word count: 1030 words ( a/n not included )

OooooOh- hey guys i hope you enjoy my a/n today will be short since I'm kinda doing something

And sorry if you feel like its rushed. You have all the right to think that since I am rushing

So goodnight or good morning since its noght here-

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