Chapter 19: Back at work

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4 days has already passed and another for good measure.  Kageyama reassured his friends that he'd be fine since the doctor said so.  Even so they still made him stay and accompanied him all day in the extra-stay in the hospital.

Meanwhile with Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san  were back with handling all the work by themselves.  Gloomily signing and sighing.  Even before they hired a secretary they knew about the excessive work load that comes daily.  Tho the ever-growing pile of papers on both said males desks can already say that they're stacked with work.  As much as the love-birds don't want to admit,  they miss their secretary-chan very much.  And all his bluntness and awkwardness was part of that too.

And as the cherry on top,  crowning every single fiasco that happened.  News reporters and paparazzis are everywhere.  They won't stop bugging them unless they agreed to have the scheduled interview about the whole commotion.  Tho they declined,  they still continue to bug them them.  With even more persistence. 

Making things worse,  their gloomy attitude is connected to not being able to visit Tobio.   Maybe also because they couldn't have their daily knick-knacks or silly fights,  but still.

Back at Kageyama,  he's currently getting dressed to get back to work.  His eagerness to work again disrupts him from time.  He stares blankly at the beige wall of his so-called apartment and bluntly remains there standing.

He jumps a little when he heard harsh sounds of cats fighting.  He blinks in his own conscience.

" Why am I so....nervous? " the blue-eyed boy voiced out.

He sighs and closes his eyes in an attempt to straighten himself. 

" Let's not lack the anxiousness I guess... "

With that he headed out of the old-looking apartment complex. 

He called for a taxi not so long ago as he waits.  Seeing the car that has stopped,  he checked his phone to see if this is the right car and not some stranger trying to kidnap him.  He already has enough traumatisation from being stabbed.  He doesn't want to be reminded of it tho. 

He gently moves,  careful of his wound that still ever-so-slightly still does hurt.  He sits comfortably on the backseat,  he closes the door and places his bag beside him. 

For a moment he stares,  again,  blankly into nowhere.  Well to be specific not really anywhere,  just somewhere.  Maybe even towards people don't expect him to look at. 

Staring at the window his mind drifts to work-related things as usual.  Not really Seijoh,  to narrow it out it's the Watanabe group.

Tho it should be very obvious that the Watanabe company is going to go bankrupt after what their daughter has done.  There's still people who deny the fact that it happened.  Like some of the share holders of the company and their sponsors. 

There are two parties that might happen,  separated on how their company will end up.  There could be a possibility of in-betweens of the two parties.  But he'll think about that later.

Party A is that their company going full-on bankrupt if they don't win the lawsuit.  Which makes it impossible for them to win since there had been a company search to ensure every workers safety.  During the duration of the whole search 1-2 dead bodies we're found. 

Not only that but there was also evidence against them.  The murder wasn't caught in action but there shown in the original clip was Akari-san talking to a man in a suit currently dragging the assassinated body.  The other was either a rumour or the body was disposed of. 

AND lastly to add to their daughters actions and the companies negligence to essentially focus.  They breached the contract that was long-before agreed on by the Father of Oikawa-sama and the help of Iwaizumi-sama's Dad.

So,  unless they proved their daughter innocence not guilty and has been able to counter the evidence shown against them then  will Seijoh and the court free them of charges and hold their accusations.

On the other hand,  Party B is IF they win the lawsuit.  Not only does their daughter,  Akari-san,  get away with the murder but Kaito Watanabe-kun and Chio Watanabe-san may or may not be able to sue Oikawa-sama and Iwaizumi-sama for false accusations on their daughter. 

They can also sue both Oikawa-sama and Iwaizumi-sama for slander and defamation.

But if both sides compromise damage will still be done to the Watanabe group. 

Without realising it,  Tobio was already in front of Aoba Johsai. 

" uh,  hello?  Wakamono-kun? "

At the call Kageyama perked up a bit and reached for his bag and paid the taxi driver.  Getting out of the car he said his thanks before bidding the taxi driver goodbye.

After that he looked around in search for paparazzis in hiding.  Scanning the entrance,  the cars,  and the streets for any people on standby ready to surround him.

Once he had done all his scanning,  he continued to walk to the entrance.   He greeted the guard and went in.  He regretted not going on a disguise,  everything's so awkward

The workers we're all looking at him,  probably because of what happened.  But at least they should try to not make it so obvious that they're looking at him. 

Because to Kageyama,  it is very unnerving.  He hates getting too much attention.  For one reason.  Because he can't move or act freely as much as he wants to.  And another reason he just doesn't like it,  naturally.

Plus it's also honestly, very awkward.

He speed-walked to the vending machine near a indoor plant thats near a elevator and picked milk for comfort. Not that he doesn't drink milk anymore, the ravenette just needed a drink. Or maybe it was just him trying to avoid the awkward situation in the company and he went here because he not only needed but wanted the creamy-like dairy.

As he made a hole with the straw, and went to press the button for the elevator. He waits for a moment for the automatic doors to open.

The doors open and he goes inside still drinking his cold beverage. He feels the the enclosed space elevate, floor by floor. Until he finally reaches the last floor.

" hah...I wonder how Iwaizumi-sama and Oikawa-sama are doing... "

by that he opens his office door and was immediately met with a pounce of warm embrace.

" h-hah?! "

Word Count: 1094 ( a/n is not included )

Wakamono-  young man

Hey guys! sorry for the wait:(, I decided that I needed time to rethink my ideas. I'm quite satisfied with what I did in this chapter and I've also gotten enough rest to take in ideas as much as I want.

I'm in hell. In HinaKage hell. I'm addicted to tall! Hinata. I might just publish a story about it but for now i'm gunna keep it in my drafts.😃✨

The art above is not mine, it's from a tiktok I watched in youtube. I don't know why I didn't search it instead Tiktok.

Also I've just realised that this book hit 7.58k views!  THANK YOU EVERYBODY— like I wasn't even expecting this book to reach that many views.  THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH🥺💖   FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU GUYS HAVE GIVEN ME.  and thats on period sis😌💅🏽✨

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! As much as I enjoyed making it!

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