Chapter 29 ~Jennifer~

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Kenzie's P•O•V
Last night Theo and I had to spend the night at a hotel. Molly's been all over the house and she's showing signs of growing more violent. I'm not afraid of her, but there's no reason to continue to poke the bear. I actually have a plan in mind for Molly.

I was doing some digging and I found that she has a sister, who lived not too far out from the city. She's about a two hour drive outside of New York. I'm currently sitting outside of her townhouse, with Lacie. I know I'm at the right address, I can see that the woman in the window matches the woman in the picture I have. I glanced down at my phone and then back up at the house.

She walked out of her house and locked down behind her. We watched as Jennifer got into her car. She looks exactly like Molly, but a much younger, more stylish version. And hopefully, a much less crazier version too.

When her car began to move I followed it. Lacie made a fake account on a dating app, she set up a date with Jennifer for this afternoon. Instead of Lacie, she'll be having dinner with me. I want to move on with my life, and I know it can't happen as long as Molly's in the picture.

We followed behind her for twenty minutes. She parked her car and we watched as she entered the restaurant. It's a small restaurant that serves Italian food. I quickly parked my car.

"Are you coming in?" I asked.

She shook her head. Lacie reached into her bag and pulled out a bag of chips. "I do technical work, not physically work. I'll be patiently waiting in the car," she said. I nodded. I quickly jumped out of the car and made my way into the restaurant. I pushed the door open, I can see her sitting at a booth her back is to me.

I walked towards her and quickly sat down in the booth beside. I sat down so fast, she took a second to realize that I'm not a stranger. Her shocked look grew as her eyes got wider. I smiled. "Don't run, Lacie will slash your tires. I just want to talk," I said. I put my hands up to show that I mean no harm. She looked hesitant and ready to go.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but you're not the person I'm supposed to meet," she said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not who you were supposed to meet but I am who you're going to sit and talk to. Don't worry you weren't stood up, the account was fake anyway. And don't act stupid, Jennifer, you know who I am."

She looked reluctant to drop her shards. Her tone grew tense. "This is a crazy thing to do, you know. I'm sure it could even be classified as stalking," she seethed. I almost laughed. I leaned closer and placed my elbows on the table. Her eyes locked on me, like prey watching its predators prepare to attack. "Jen... What your brother did could count as kidnapping. And what your sister did.... Oh! What your sister did is definitely criminal."

She swallowed hard. "You know that he did that?"

"I didn't. I suspected it was him but you only solidified it. I wonder if I should take this to the police..." I hummed. She jumped. "You can't do that! It'll ruin everything that he worked hard for," she tried to keep her voice low. I got her. Her facade has now crumbled to nothing.

I hummed. "You're in on it, too? I wonder if they'll put you and Molly in the same prison."

"I HAD-" she cut off her scream. Her tone dropped lower."I had nothing to do with what they did. I hated what she did..."

My tone softened. "Then help me end this! I want to marry Theo, I love him. Molly's action aren't out of love. And she's only getting wilder," I said. She exhaled deeply. "She wasn't always like this. Molly was happy, she was driven, a good sister, a hard worker. And one point, Molly did really really love him..." she trailed off.

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