Chapter 24 ~He loves me~

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Kenzie's P•O•V
Tears ran down my face. "What do you want from me?!" I shouted. "Why are you doing this to me?" I cried. "Stop crying, I hate when they cry," he demanded. I hiccup and I fought to hold back my tears.

"A joy ride, lovely," he smirked. I pulled on the door handle and tried to get the door to open. "Keep pulling on the handle and this car goes over a bridge," he warned. "Please let me out. What do you want money?" I asked.

"I took the air out of your tire by shooting a bullet hole into it. It kinda ripped it up a little more than I thought it would've. I also got rid of your spare," he explained. I pushed my back against the car door to be as far from him as I could. "I'm not gonna hurt you," He laughed. "I'm just gonna warn you," he added. His face switched to a hard expression.

He pushed his foot on the gas and started speeding. The car is going so fast it's four bars away from the fullest speed the car can go. I'm screaming. "STOP THE CAR PLEASE!" I shouted. He laughed loudly and pushed harder. I stopped screaming and just began to sob.

He slowly began to slow down until the car came to a stop. "Molly says hi," he smirked. I heard the doors unlock. I jumped out of the car and practically hugged the ground. He threw my bag out of the car along but kept my phone. "I'm gonna circle around. If you're still here I'm putting you in the trunk, and I'm not letting you out," he smiled.

I grabbed my bag and stubbled to my feet. I have a backup pepper spray in my bag. My mother always gave me two. When he comes back I will pepper spray him, and steal his car leaving him here. "You have three minutes. I drive fast," he added. He reached over and closed the car door.

He drove off at a fast speed I searched around in my bag looking for it. "Thank god!" I practically screamed as I grabbed my spray. I pushed it right under my sleeve, it's ready to be used.

His car pulled up in front of me. I laid on the ground and pretended to be too scared to move. I forced myself to shake to add dramatic effects. "Oh poor little lamb," he chuckled. He grabbed down and grabbed me by my hair. I groaned in pain from the pulling. I turned myself around and pepper sprayed him in his eyes.

"FUCK!" He shouted. He let go of my arm and stumbled backwards. I kicked him hard in the balls. While he was bent over in pain I kneed him in the face. I wasted no time running away towards the drivers side of the car. I knew watching all those fighting movies as a child would help.

I got into the drivers side of the car and started it up. He slammed both his palms on the hood of the car. "Do not think that I won't hit you!" I shouted. "Get out of the car! Right now!" He shouted back at me. "FUCK YOU!" I shouted. I reversed the car back a couple of feet ready to hit him. I slammed my foot on the gas.

He jumped out of the way before it could hit him. He fucked with the wrong girl. God, Im never getting into another strangers car. After today I'm taking a fighting class, and I'm going to learn how to change a fucking tire.

I parked the car in Theo's driveway. I slammed the car door shut and walked to the house. I opened the door and locked all the locks behind me. "Theo! Theo are you home?!" I shouted. He came out of his office was a worried look on his face. His jaw dropped when he saw me.

"What happened to you?" He asked as he rushed towards me. "He attacked me. Some guy sabotage my car and tricked me into getting into his. Then he hit me and-" he cut me off. "He touched you?!" He shouted.

"Theo, stop let me explain. He hit me and drove so fast he almost killed us. He pushed me out of the car and I had to fight my way out. He told me Molly said Hi," I finished. "What did he look like?" He asked frantically.

"Tall, buff, army uniform and short blond hair," I started. "Molly's youngest brother," he mumbled. Angers written all over his face. "I'm gonna destroy him," he growled. I grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving. "Theo, I'm fine. Let's just let the law handle this.

I just want him to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay. I don't want him to go out there and get himself hurt when I'm fine. "I'll stay. But tomorrow we're getting restraining order and a police report filed against her whole family. If they touch you again I'm handling it," he stated. I nodded.

Theo hugged me tightly as we walked up to the bedroom.

Molly's P•O•V
I watched through my camera as I saw my brothers car drive into Theo's driveway. I watched as Kenzie got out of the car. What the hell is she doing in his car? Where is my brother?

I was about to panic when the front door opened. He walked in with blood shot red eyes, a bruise on his right cheek, and ice between his legs. "What the hell happened to you? I told you to scare her and you're here all busted up!" I half shouted. "I did it. I scared her and I wanted to scared her by locking her in the trunk, but she attacked me. Crazy bitch," he groaned.

"You're weak. A big guy like you couldn't handle a 145 pound girl!" I shouted. "Get the fuck out of my face. I'm embarrassed for you," I added.

"It's your fault you're stupid plan didn't work! Don't scream at me!" He yelled. He threw the ice pack at me and walked away.

Plan b. They'll fall apart from here. "Why does he have a black eye?" My sister asked as she walked towards me. "That bitch Kenzie, she attacked him," I lied with the half truth. She balled her hands into a fist angrily. "I'll killing her," she mumbled. She bend down and pulled up the floor.

She pulled out her knife case, and box of Chinese throwing stars. "Put that shit away. You can get her later but for now we follow my plan," I ordered. "She hurt our brother! We can't let her get away with this!" She shouted. "And trust me I won't let her get away with it. I'll be back, you can go take a walk or something," I shrugged.

I left the house and crept over onto Theo's and mine property. I used the key I made to get into the house, I gently closed the door behind myself. I crept upstairs to their bedroom.

I stood by the door and just listened. "It'll be nice to get a restraining order on Molly. It's needed," Kenzie said. My hands shook as I fought the urge not to open the door. She's poisoning him. Why is she trying to kill our love? I know he loves me, four years couldn't have just been sex. I know he felt something.

If I have to force him to feel again I will. I don't care what anyone has to say. I know he loves me.

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