Chapter 6 ~ Business And Pleasure~

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Kenzie's P•O•V
I sat in my office and typed on my lap top. I can't focus every time I try my mind goes right back to Theo. My phone began to ring pulling my attention down towards it. It's Lacie. "Hey, Lacie," I smiled. It's been a while since I've heard from her.

"I miss my bestie. Let's do brunch on me," she offered. I glanced down at my schedule to check if I'm free for the next two or three hours. I smiled at what I saw. "I have four hours until my next meeting. Where am I meeting you?" I asked. She squealed loudly. "Okay. Come over to my place I've got everything set up," she explained. "Cool. I'll see you twenty minutes," I said. I hung up the phone and shoved it into my bag.

I turned off my desktop and stood up from my office chair. "Tessa, I'm taking an early lunch. Answer all my calls and give them my personal number," I said as I stopped at her desk. "Of course Ms. Johns. However what would you like me to do if Mr. Collin calls?" She asked. I smiled at her sneaky remark.

"Don't worry about him he won't call here," I said. I walked away from her and went towards the elevator. I pressed the button and waited for it to arrive. "Oh and Tessa," I said as I turned to face her. "Yes?" She said as she glanced at me. "Keep it on the low. No one needs to know Theo's been visiting. Okay?" I said. "Sure. I understand," she said.

I didn't want to be rude but the last thing I need is Tessa spilling to every magazine. She's done it before. I walked into the elevator and pressed it to go to the parking lot.

I got into my car and drove towards Lacie's house. Which was my old house. I miss living with her even though it's been a month. I have so much to talk about with her. It's insane.

"Lacie!" I squealed as I dashed out of the car. I ran into her arms and hugged her tightly. "It's been two weeks since I've seen you. And a phone call about you moving out wasn't  very nice," she pouted. I pulled away and walked inside with her. "Ugh! If it were up to me I'd stay with you. I had no intentions of ever moving out," I said.

She set up the kitchen table beautifully. There's cute little finger sandwiches, cakes, biscuits, glasses of champagne and orange juice. "Looks delicious," I smiled. She sat down across from me and put a napkin on her lap.

"I want to know why I came home to find a girl in your bedroom?" She asked. "You mean Molly?" I asked. "Yea that's her name. She's super strange," she said as she began to fill her plate. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well for one thing she was dancing around the house in your underwear," she said. My eyes shot open as I stared at her shocked.

"No. There has to be a logical explanation to this. She probably has the same ones that I do," I said. She shook her head; "No. She has the one that I bought you the one that has your name on it," she explained. "The one you got for my birthday?! I've been wondering where that one went!" I half shouted.

"God! Why would she take that?" I asked. "I have no idea. I got on her about it and she demanded that it was her's," she said as she bit her sandwich. "She even woke me up at two am asking me what's your favorite things. It was so strange," she whispered. The door opened and Molly stepped into the room.

She has sunglasses on with bags in her hands. The biggest change about her is that her hair is now a brownish black like mine in big curls. "Hey ladies! Like my new look?" She asked as she spun around. "Love it," Lacie and I mumbled. We glanced at each other when she wasn't looking.

"Ugh! I know it's so me. I should've went curly years ago," she smiled and she fluffed it. She put her bags down in the front of the door and grabbed a chair. She sat down beside me at the table. "Lasandra, do you mind if I call you Lacie. I feel so excluded saying your first name," she said as she slapped Lacies arm. She rubbed her arm lightly from the impact of Molly's slap.

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