Chapter 3~Interuptions~

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Kenzie's P•O•V
I buckled myself up and waited for him to start the car. "What about your submissive?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders; "She'll be fine," he said as he started the car. I watched him silently as we drove. I don't know what it is about him that makes me go crazy. When I'm around him I feel insane with crazy thoughts.

We pull up in front of his house. He opens the door for me allowing me to exit the car. "Thank you," I say as I step out. I stepped out of the car and closed the door behind myself. As I turned around he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the car door.

He grabbed my throat and kissed me. I kissed him back and allowed my tongue to explore his mouth. The excitement I feel when I'm around him drives me crazy. It makes me want him. I reached down and grabbed his belt buckle. He stopped the kiss and grabbed my hands, "No. not yet," he smirked.

I groaned in annoyance. He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed and lightly giggled as he slapped my ass. He carried me upstairs into his bedroom. I stood up from the bed and straightened out my dress. He stepped back into the room with an angry look on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"A problem with my submissive," he explained. "Oh. Well I'll call a cab and go home so you can sort things out," I say as I walk towards the door. He grabbed my arm and shook his head. "No. I don't remember saying that you're allowed to leave. Stay here and I'll come back to finish our night," he said. "You're not to leave. Understood?" He asked.

Ugh! That sexy dominant side of him. "Yes sir," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. "Good girl," he smiled before he walked out. I grabbed my phone from my bag to see that I've missed a call from Lacie. I quickly opened my phone and called her number again. She instantly picked up the phone.

"Lacie what's going on?" I asked. "Your moms here. She's demanding that you come home," she explained. "My Mother doesn't run me. I'm a little bit busy with something right now," I say. "It's about Theo and your father's company. If you don't come now your parents are threatening to take away your ties to the company," she said. I groaned as I hung up the phone.

I called an Uber and waited outside until it arrived.

I stepped inside my house to see my mother and Father waiting at the front door. "I've called your phone ten times! Where have you been?!" She shouted. "I was out. I have a life outside of you," I snapped. "Now what's this shit about removing me from the company?" I asked. I crossed my arms over my chest as my anger began to show.

"What's this I hear about you running around with Theo Collins?" My Father asked. "You left the party with him that night and now you're partying with him," My Mother said. Disgust plastered all over her face. "I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want with whoever I want. What does this have to do with you or the company?" I asked.

"Are you trying to destroy any future business deals I might have? Do you know how hard I'm fighting to get him to sign with our company?" My Father asked hypothetically. "You're forbidden to see him again," he scolded. "Forbidden? You think you have the right to forbid me from doing anything?" I asked.

"Stop. You're being far too simple with her. You love this expensive life you live. And you can't live it if we're poor because you killed the biggest deal of the year! Close your legs and find another guy," My Mother snapped. I'm the family lawyer. My father trusts me with everything and on a normal day; treats me better than my mother. Cutting me out would leave me completely bankrupt; I won't be able to pay rent and I'll be left searching for a new job.

"Enough! Listen I'm leaving the ball in your court. There's a meeting tomorrow with Theo and his company; be there or not and that will be our answer," My Father said. He walked towards the door and opened it suggesting that my mother should leave. She grabbed her purse and stepped out of the house. "Kenzie," he said.

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