*Note: this is the original timeline or Haruto's timeline and the continuation of ep 9. it will continue from here on*
"Aoi, Are you okay?"
"yes i am.... after leaping so many times, there are moments when i go out of breathe.. its due to mental stress and aging.. that' so strange since i'm only 10 years old haha"
she paused.. and continue..
"Haruto... i'm sorry for saying weird things before.. the story about the transplant was true.. also my feelings are true too.. i'll never give up.. hehe"
"yea.. "
"yo know what...i was surprised.. about the transplant.. but i kept thinking.. 'what is Aoi talking about?' "
"Aoi, you said that you were saved by me right?"
"is it because you got my lungs or because i pressed the button first?"
"both of them ,of course!"
"only those two?"
"um.. no.. there is more.. you saved me so many times.."
"then it's the same with me too, it doesnt matter if i was sick or not, You always supported me. remember the time you helped me in the well?"
"yea.. how can i forget?"
"you saved me then as well"
"it doesnt matter if it was a sickness or a transplant!!"
"but compared to what i got from you !something like that is.."
"Aoi, that's not right, its not because you pulled me out, its cus you worked really hard .. to make sure i wasn't lonely you tried to help me because you cared!.. the end result doesnt matter.. Aoi... helping each other means the feeling of lending out a hand. that day... no since the first time we met, ypu've always held my hand.. so you were always saving me... So Aoi.. It's Okay now..."
"hehe.. it's full of strange things this round..it's the first time i've spoken to you so much.... but...i can't.. I won't give up. i thought about it a bit.."
"then why.. why did you say something like that!!"
"you said!..you said with such a sad face ...that you're always going to wait... it's only because you said so..because i had those words...that i was able to come back..!."
his eyes were wet as he spoke..
he turned around to hide his face.. and continued speaking..
"i didnt come back.. to see you make such a sad face.."
"Hey Haruto..!,, sad face and waiting.. what are you talking about?"
"you said it yourself.. when i was sleeping from the vaccines on the ground... you said that you trust me to come back.."
"wait a minute.. i said that to you while you were sleeping from vaccines?"
"yea.. thats what i remembered all this time.. that's why! .."
"haruto.. you were sleeping right?"
how did you know that?"
to be continued...

7 Years From Now
Science FictionHaruto returns to his hometown in his spring breaks just to recollect his memories that are long lost. A promise to a girl that said " I'll be waiting for u, seven years from now". Follow the story of Haruto as he recollects his lost memories and k...